[hider=Ivory Tasque] [b]Name: [/b]Ivory Tasque [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XKt4u_IBhNc/TVdRAyQjvYI/AAAAAAAAAH0/5_2I2wasvUc/s1600/tumblr_lg5pj7gQq21qf9a0e.jpg]Portrait[/url] Because she often spent much of her time outdoors, Ivory does have a healthy figure and a medium tan. She stands at a height of 5’5”, so she’s fairly average for a woman of her age. Her hair reaches to just above the middle of her back and is auburn in coloration. Rimmed with dark eyelashes, she has almond-shaped eyes that are hazel. On her back is a watercolor tattoo of an Alaskan husky wrapped in forget-me-not flowers, a memorial of sorts for her mother. Her wardrobe consists of fairly simple clothing. Jeans and sweaters or plain shirts are common attire for when she decides to go out, but when she’s actually going hiking or rock climbing she’ll wear clothing that is more comfortable and durable. Scarves also seem to be a favorite of her’s, and she has a secret obsession with feathers, so it’s not uncommon to find her with a long feather clip in her hair. She’s certainly no stranger to earrings either, and she has a particularly strong liking for native-made earrings, such as ones made from porcupine quills or dentalium shells. [b]Occupation:[/b] Rock climber [b]History: [/b]To put it simply, Ivory comes from a rather diverse family. While her father owned a small bar in Anchorage, Alaska, her mother raised mushing dogs, and was even a dog musher herself. Their family had everything they needed, thanks to her mother’s wealthy parents, and they lived comfortably. Eventually they chose to have kids, the first being a baby boy named Adrian, and two years later Ivory was born. For the most part they lived a fairly simple life. The outdoors was their playhouse. They often went hiking or rock climbing, and skiing or dog mushing in the winter. Their mother grew ill and was taken by cancer when Ivory was 17. Without their mother, the family sold a vast majority of their dogs, keeping only two as pets. At this point the two siblings were beginning to start their own lives, but despite this they still remained close. Adrian chose to become a firefighter, moving to Fairbanks to attend school and receive his training. Meanwhile Ivory remained at home to help her father with his business and she also took up a job at a local rock climbing gym. Being a daddy’s girl, vacationing wasn’t uncommon for the two of them. However, the one year that she decides to go out on her own, it just so happened that it was the same week that the apocalypse decided to occur. She had gone to North Carolina to see the beaches, when the outbreak occurred. Now she wishes to find her family-- if they’re still alive, of course. [b]Inventory:[/b] The few items she has in her small travel backpack. Advil, her glasses, wallet, a water bottle, a few bags of fruit snacks, a belay clip, and her keys, which are also equipped with a mace spray given to her by her overprotective father. Though, at this point she can’t thank him enough. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Climbing:[/i] From all those years of rock climbing. [i]Endurance:[/i] Scrapes and bruises were a pretty common thing for her, so injuries won’t faze her too much. This also applies to physical endurance. She can keep a good pace for a long while. [i]Good with animals:[/i] Several years of smelling like wet dog has its benefits. [i]Getting lost:[/i] Her best friend was the breadcrumb app and Google Maps on her phone. Unfortunately, she managed to lose that. [i]Causing arguments:[/i] No reason to worry about her lying. She’ll happily speak her mind-- except, that’s not always a good thing. [/hider]