[color=f26522][h2] Kalani Solle [/h2][/color] [b]Krone, Sister-Bride to Kaelira [/b] Much to her surprise, Krone had not forgotten about her after all. [color=lightblue]"I'm sorry for neglecting you, your sister bride is most..... difficult."[/color] Didn't she know it, though 'difficult' wasn't the word Kalani was going to use. Her hands were trembling in his as he kissed them. She looked into his eyes and saw a very different expression on his face. It was soft, almost comforting, it was as if he let his guard down just for a moment. She didn't know what to say and simply kept his gaze. Her face showed her confusion yet pleasure in being looked at with such gentleness. She was feeling too many emotions to make sense out of them. It got even more confusing as he assured her that he would do his best to protect her family. She almost cried again, but this time it would have been tears of relief. Oh Krone! She wanted to thrust herself at him, kiss all of his features, even though they have hardened again because she knew that behind that cold exterior was a Drakken capable of kindness and mercy. For him, she will no longer just be an apathetic yet proper Gem bride, she will be the best bride he could ask for. She had forgotten about the war and all the other Gems who would probably lose their lives in the near bloodshed for at least her family will be okay. At least, there were some good in this situation. She refrained herself from an overly-zealous display of affection and simply gave him a genuine smile. [color=f26522]"Thank you, Master Krone. You do not realize... how grateful I am. Thank you. Thank you so much,"[/color] she said, trying to maintain her composure yet at the same time show that she was truly thankful. Once Kaelira has returned, Kalani noticed that she has changed drastically. Her movement was odd and Kalani did not understand why. She watched as Kaelira placed her hand on Krone's leg and Krone's lack of of a response as he simply removed her hand from his leg. Was she suddenly trying to regain his favor? Kalani turned her head, embarrassed and disgusted by her sister-bride's sudden lewd behavior. She kept her head up high, focusing on the wall behind the person sitting across from her. She hoped that Kaelira was not plotting to do something to Krone, not that she was likely to do much damage to him anyways.