[@The Mad Hatter] Ah, thank you ^^; I'm assuming that's your natural hair color in your first post? If it is, you have a lovely natural color. Although, I'm convinced you can pull off pretty much any color~ Speaking of hats, I just looked all through my Facebook to find a picture of my friend's Mad Hatter costume, since your username reminded me of it. I can't find it, but I can say it looks exactly like Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter. Even the hat was on point. x] [@RomanAria] Thank you. x] [@WilsonTurner] You know, I can actually use that bow. I can even hit a [u]haystack[/u] with a target on it. Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. /endsarcasm It's pretty lame that I couldn't actually bring the arrows and bow to school that day though. There were like two other Katniss that day too. I did have the quiver though, so I guess that's something. xP