[hider=Nathan] Name: Nathan Graham Gender/Age: Male, 19 Appearance: [hider=Maybe it's Natural] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2c/b7/0e/2cb70ef5db4e37185dd3286913e75aff.jpg[/img] [/hider] Weapons: Abilities: Cock roach control: Cockroaches obey the command of their new master. They don't do much but Nathan can see through the eyes of them when needed, Nathan can also infect them witht he infection he has so he can infect people in other ways. The affliction: this demonic disease works like a parasite, the only cases of this disease are in Nathan and Glybine, with this he can rot anything he touches, though he now has a handle on this ability if his emotions run rampent or in danger he can rot things unintentionally, msotly this happens in his sleep, which is why he now sleeps on a new matress every two weeks. This also allows Nathan to grow spikes and other types of weapons from inside himself, his usual are blades that stick out between his fingers and a dermal armor that rests under his skin, this defense and offence system can come in handy but once broken it will take while to repair. Disease immunity: he can only become infected with diseases given to him by Glybine, and even then he does not feel the effects. Biography: Nathan was born into a normal home, a Mother and a Father, two Sisters and a dog, the whole american dream. He went to high school, graduated with honors and was recently there was an outbreak of an unknown disease at Nathans college, afflicting him and twenty other students. The next three weeks was rough and Nathan was losing grip with reality, four people had already committed suicide and The only thing keeping Nathan going was helping the other students, getting them water and anti-biotics and what ever else they needed. And one day when he knew Nathan would die a thing appeard to Nathan, it called itse;f Glybine, The Afflicted. After the intial shock it explained how it created this virusand how Glybine was interested in Nathan for his acts during this terrible time. And after much debate and discussion Nathan could feel himself fading away, he agreed to the demons terms, he would become the servant of the monsters and GLybine would cure everyone of the disease and wipe it off the face of the earth. Everyone made a full recovery. The next few weeks have been interesting to say the least, turns out Glybine works with the natural order of things and now, so does Nathan, Glybine will make him a carrior of something and Nathan would go and infect the targets Glybine told him too. Extra: Any random details, theme songs, etc. Not necessary [/hider] [hider=Glybine] Name:Glybine,The afflicted Gender/Age: Male,2378 Demon Type: Daemon Appearance: [hider=Human Meat Suit] [img]http://data1.whicdn.com/images/34439725/large.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=MAYBE IT'S MAYBELINE] [img]http://i.newsarama.com/images/i/000/083/133/original/psdm_demonic_concept_001_lo_02.jpg?1364269646[/img] [/hider] Abilities: The weapon: Glybine is able to grow weapons and armor from his skin, able to make blades that stick out of his arm or an armor strong enough to stop most weapons. It used to be able to stop anything but sharing the power to Nathan has drained him immensely. The affliction: what ever glybine touches rots,rusts or decomposes, the longer he touches something the faster it breaks. But since the pact was made everything has the same rot time, two hours and thirty five minutes, no matter what. The affliction works like a virus, if you were to cut the infected part off it won't spread to the rest of the body. Biography: Glybine is used to taking human servants and using them for his own agenda, the spanish flu,bubonic plague, Ebola all things of his creation, all things that belong to the affliction. Anyway, so he decides that he is going to inflict his next big infection on a boy he had been following, and he did a slow acting virus that was supposed to drive him insane and spread it to everyone else. But no matter how sick Nathan got he always helped or treated the others also afflicted with this virus, making sure everyone survived but him. This made Glybine interested in Nathan, he always heard of demons taking in humans as their own but he thought only older demons did things like that. And well he appeard to Nathan, after the intial shock they both talked and they negoteated a deal. And in exchange for Nathans soul and servitude he would wipe this disease of the face of the earth, and cure Nathan and the rest of the school. And GLbine always honors his deals and repays back all debts. Extra: [/hider]