[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmYxMTM3YS5WbWx2YkdFZ1RXRjVJRXhwYjI1bWRYSjUuMA,,/pinyon-script.regular.png[/img] [b][color=mediumvioletred]LightKeep - Corridor outside the Kitchens[/color][/b] The young lady had risen with the sun this morning, reading and practicing before her handmaid had come to her room in the early afternoon with the intention to rouse her from her slumber, only to find her sitting in the window seat of her chambers reading an old tome. The young woman had been dressed in a pair of slacks and a light tunic she'd borrowed from her elder brother a few days ago to practice her sword skills in secret away from their father. As the door opened she hastily rolled down the sleeves of the white shirt to cover her arms, hiding the markings of the fey though the girl already knew and had been sworn to secrecy. Unlike her father and brothers she was not universally liked by the people, rumors spread about her daily, but few were founded in anything but the one thing she could never have her father know was that she really was fey-touched. She had come across the fey when she was younger, having been raised on demo hate but loving to watch the inhuman dance and frolic in their home forests while her brothers trained their dogs and hunted. The woman had stumbled across her really, and brought her to the Unseelie court where she was touched and cursed. She would have power, but she would never again be human and when the time came, she must do what the Unseelie Queen wished, or die slowly and painfully. Until then she wouldn't die and could do whateer she wished with her powers. Unfortunately, she had to hide them from her father and family - only her elder brother knew of them. The reason he wasn't crown prince was because he spoke against the demolition of the inhuman. Now though, the young woman walked down the hallway toward where the feast was only beginning, dressed in a long red and black gown that fell to cover most of her body. The corset showed her curves and the sleeves hung long and loose enough that she could move them, but not enough for them to move on their own. Ahead of her she saw the youngest of the Kingsguard - a boy who should never have been allowed entrance - storm away from his superior and she made a mental note to make sure this one was either dead or permanently on away missions after she came into her throne. For now though, she would deal with the poor urchin boy. [color=mediumvioletred]"Cleo, you are opposing duty without leave?" [/color]She asked the boy as she came upon him, stopping in such a way that he would not be able to step around her and her handmaid without shoving them in some manor in the process. Her long white hair was held half up with a black ribbon, a gift from her mother, and the rest was left to tumble over her shoulders and down her back in waves and curls. She looked a princess today, and was perfectly happy to act as she had been raised - as royalty, with dignity and authority though not without humor. [color=mediumvioletred]"Perhaps you would be happier to dress in trousers like Ser Jaime and dance with some of the ladies handmaids. I am sure Serra here would not mind that at all." [/color] Viola smiled as she spoke, her silver eyes shining in amusement as her handmaid looked at her in shock. As far as the girl was officially aware, she had no way to defend herself if attacked and though it was not far to the feast, an angry outburst or defiance of the royal princess and gem of her fathers rule would end in nothing good for him. [@Otakuforreal][@pure493]