Sorry this took so long. ^^; [list][*]Name: Alicia Bonaventura [*]Age: 16 [*]Gender: Female [*]Race: Hundi [*]Class: Knight [*]Appearance: [url=]So hey, Vita drew this for me.[/url] Eyes are green, hair is black, and she's a bit pale. Armour is nice and shiney, as she polishes it every day. [*]Personality: Alicia is a starry-eyed idealist, and an outspoken believer in the tenants of justice, honour and goodness. She's a bit sheltered, however, and her experience with the outside world is somewhat lacking, leading her to be kind of a gullible ditz. She is honest to a fault; not only is she incapable of lying (often being a bit too brutally honest at times), but she doesn't seem to understand the concept of lying itself and assumes anyone speaking to her is being one hundred percent genuine no matter what they say. [*]Brief Backstory: A member of Hundi aristocracy, Alicia spent most of her life in the lap of luxury. Whilst there were ample training facilities and teachers available to her, she hasn't really experienced much of life or combat outside her family's home. She recently turned 16, however, and thus has been sent out on a quest to prove herself; hopefully she'll be able to adapt to real combat quickly enough. [*]Equipment: An ornate and well taken care of suit of armour, a shield, and a non-magical (albeit incredibly sharp) sword. [*]Abilities: Alicia is a well trained warrior, instructed by the best teachers available in the art of sword and shield fighting. Unfortunately, all the combat she has seen thus far has been in a controlled environment, against teachers who didn't want to hurt her too much out of fear of losing their jobs. She's competant at least, but the last thing she expects is dirty fighting.[/list]