[color=pink][center][h3]Amaryllis Stone[/h3] [sub] Zakroti - Sister-bride to Miry[/sub] [/center][/color] She'd followed silently, staring at the floor as they walked. Her gaze shifted as they entered the banquet hall and she looked around the room, a bored expression on her face, her gaze stone cold. She followed Zakroti without much fuss and sat a few seats away from him at the table, shifting in her seat a bit. She listened idly as Zakroti spoke to someone named Jorug and looked up at him when she heard the fits of coughing. That wasn't a normal cough, she could feel it in the vibrations from the floor. A smug look crossed her face as she watched him hobble out of the hall. Good riddance. One less asshole to worry about. She should have felt bad about her thoughts but she considered herself a dead woman walking and at this point, what did it matter what she did with her life? Her mother would never yell at her again. Never... Her eyes shot up when she heard Miry's choked words, defending herself. She glared at the man speaking with her, the usual firey bullets. After all, everyone knew deep down the earth had a molten core. As did Ama. Her powers might be relatively cool compared to fire elementals but that wouldn't stop the fire in her soul from sparking from time to time. Ama was prepared to shoot up and take the glass herself to drink it but Miry beat her to the punch. Ama sighed and let herself relax back against her seat. She watched with mild amusement as Zakroti disciplined his men. She had to admit, the strength of him sent shivers down her spine. But it wasn't really fear, so much as envy. If only she could have half of that strength, she wouldn't be in this situation. She was pulled from this, however, as another Drakken entered the hall, proclaiming something about seeing a goat do a backflip. She raised a brow at the comical scene before her. A snort escaped her lips as the first smile since she'd come to this place graced her face. It disappeared as soon as it had come however as she heard another Drakken speak to the entire room. As he spoke the words, the world around her began to spin, slowly so... irritatingly slowly. She swallowed and blinked a few times trying to force the feeling to go away but it wouldn't. She could feel her face getting hot and her stomach churning. Then... revelation. Her mouth sat agape as the idea crossed her mind. If... they no longer had the protection of the Drakken, they had no reason to be peaceful. A small smirk grew on Ama's lips as her eyes narrowed at the Drakken who finished making the announcement. She could feel the life returning to her soul, her will to live returned. She'd make it through this. She was the weed that grew on rocks and sand, no matter the earth below her, she would survive. New of the war probably saved her life. Or sentenced her to death. Either way, she now had no intentions of taking it laying down. Calmly, Ama picked up a piece of fruit from the table and placed in between her lips, biting into the grape with her teeth. Her attention returned to the two beside her as she turned her head, a grape held between her lips as she lazily sucked it into her mouth. She watched Miry race towards another Gemm who from the looks of it might have been her sister. She couldn't make out what the girl Miry called Asta had said but from what she'd heard, Asta wasn't well liked. A smirk grew on her face. Maybe sometime tonight she should find a way to talk to that girl. She turned back from watching Asta to looking at Zakroti who was busy writing... letters? She raised a brow honestly confused at the suddenness of the act. Why now of all times? She shrugged. Either way. She began to raise herself from her seat when she heard Zakroti give the command for his guard to find her. Her eye twitched in irritation. That was literally the worst timing and... she was right there the entire time. Talk about a wallflower. [color=pink][i]No, I'm not too pleased to get away from this. I want to talk to that Gemm, Asta.[/i][/color] She sighed and walked over towards the guard who walked in the opposite direction. Her face protrayed her disbelief at how blind this man truly was. She was literally two or three seats away. She rolled her eyes and silently followed him around the room. Soon enough, he did a 360 and she nearly walked into him. [color=pink]"Ah, Kzaar! I've been following you for the past few minutes. I'm not [i]that[/i] short, am I?"[/color] She asked raising a brow at the man. Obviously, from the last event, he wasn't willing to deal with her and simply grunted and grabbed her arm to pull her along towards the room. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She was almost prepared for this. [color=pink]"I'll follow you myself, Kzaar. No need to pull me along."[/color] She told him, the sound of her voice slightly... sour as her eye stared daggers into the back of the Drakken guard pulling her along. When he didn't respond, she decided to take matters into her own hands and stomped her foot into the ground, using her powers to use the earth to power her stomp. The force of this 'stop' gave her enough power to pull her hand from the man's grip, pulling her thumb out of it's socket in the process. The only visible hint to her pain was the slightly twitch in her eye as she calmly walked on. [color=pink]"I told you, I would follow you, fool. Don't grab me so freely."[/color] She commanded him, glaring at him. She could see the anger in his eyes and she had to commend his strength of will as he seemed to be trying very hard to keep his hands from slapping the shit out of her. However, maybe she'd given him too much credit. It was almost as if slow motion as his hand raised up towards her face. It sucked... her mind could see it coming and kept trying to tell her feet to kick up a rock to knock his hand from its current path but by the time she'd even raised her foot to kick, it made contact. She saw the world go black for a few seconds. She could sense she was falling and even sense her head hitting the ground, but she couldn't feel any of the pain. When she did actually come to fully, she was draped over the shoulder of Kzaar with a splitting headache. She let out a small sigh, frustrated and sat on the Drakken's shoulders. At least she'd gotten a piggy back ride out of this. And a dislocated thumb... and a swollen cheek. If she could shrug without him knowing she was awake, she would have. At least he wasn't hurting her anymore. The fun part of all of this would be showing these fools just how hardy she could be. She'd dealt with worse than this at home, surprisingly. She'd walked home in the woods by herself with a broken arm and three broken ribs. If she hadn't she have never made it home. She'd laughed as their father nursed her back to health and their mother beat the living tar out of her brothers for leaving her alone in the woods. How old was she back then? 14? 15? She repressed a chuckle, not wanting Kzaar to know she was awake, like a child trying her best to get the most out of the piggy back ride she was getting. [hider=summary] Ama sort of just observes the things around her without much care as to what happens. The goat thing made her smile and giggle. The war may have saved her life. Or at least, given her a reason to live. Ama gets sassy very suddenly. She wants to talk to Asta, but the bell isn't on her side this time. She follows the person trying to find her for a bit. Then kicks her way out of his hold and gets the ever living daylights slapped out of her. She's being carried to Zak's room, though the Drakken doesn't know she's totally using him for a free ride. [/hider]