"Please, Lady Tanya," said the third occupant of the table. "Such behaviour will do little but draw the attention of unsavoury sorts!" he advised. He was tall, almost abnormally so, and his handsome face was framed by his longer-than-regulation hair. He had a small glass of a red liquid in front of him and had been sipping on it all eve. If he had earned the ire of his companions while doing so, well, he gave every indication that he didn't notice. His name was Marc Ferrus, and he was also a Paladin. Armed with only his short sword and also out of his armor, he looked far more at ease here than his other paladin cohort did. Perhaps it was due to his gentle, easygoing nature. It wasn't hard to fit in with people. He had certainly made a lot of friends on the way here. "Miss Sophia is right," Marc continued, nodding to their harpy friend. She was truly a noble ally in the fight for justice. "A gentle touch is required here. And perhaps a mite of shifty-ness." Did he really just say that? The honest, good natured Paladin who would never lie on his honour proposing something shifty? Well, he was standing up now, and moving towards the bar. Quiet words were exchanged between the barkeep man and the astonishingly tall paladin, before Marc turned to address the bar. "Friends! We are embarking upon a great quest, but we have limited openings!" he boomed. "The first individuals we deem worthy for our quest will receive free drinks for the remainder of the eve! Truly a tempting offer, yes?" That aught to get everyone's attention. Of course, all that talk about unsavoury sorts and Marc had forgotten it himself! Still, he'd see who rocked up.