Sergeant Wykes had been on leave for quite some time. She believed she would have gotten word from the King should he have any issues which needed to be taken care of. At her low rank, they must have needed her for something! Escorting some nobles, capturing deserters, breaking out bandit dens... something! Wykes, or Cristine when she was out of uniform, spent a bulk of her time drinking. Her musculature had seemed to deterred many would-be suitors, and in some cases attracted some unwanted attention. She wasn't really embarrassed- or at least she didn't like to believe she was. Naturally, Sergeant Wykes preferred being in uniform to deter some more awkward conversations. It wasn't long before the grizzled veteran had put down another drink. She knew it was killing her slowly, but couldn't help herself. "An-hick*" she attempted to speak, in a dizzied manner. It wasn't long before a young woman spoke, then another paladin with a bit more chest in his voice which caught Sergeant Wyke's attention. "WORTHY!?" Sergeant Wykes shouted, standing up from her stool. "I'll show you worthy!" she said, walking over to the paladin in a drunken stupor. She sat, as the fourth seat of the table and held out her left arm, hand open. "You know what to do" the Sergeant challenged.