Leander was expecting the worst when more people showed up, and got the worst when the drunks and the arrogant started having a strength comparison contest. Leander really had to question the wisdom of expecting mercenaries to behave and work together, even if under the lure of untold riches at the end of the task. While this was all going on, though, Leander was coming up with suitable responses for Sophia. "Honestly, I fail to see the wisdom behind actions such as these," Leander said, gesturing to Al and Cristine. "As for my talents, however," Leander began, turning to Sophia and taking out his staff, which was covered in runes from top to bottom. "They rely on more than just brute force, which is exactly what these drunken fools have." Leander then channeled a bit of mana into his staff, causing a small glow of light in the blue crystal to appear for a moment before disappearing again. "Trust me, you'll want more than sheer muscle for this mission of yours."