The mighty gates of the castle stood imposingly as, at their very base, Fieri Angharad pushed uselessly at them. As ancient as they seemed, the oaken doors were still nearly as sturdy as the day they were hoisted into position. Fieri's fingers clenched around her rod in abject irritation, as she impotently slammed a fist against the doors. With nothing but a mocking shower of wood and paint flakes to mark her failure, Fieri briefly decided to turn back from whence she came. Just as Fieri crossed out from the door's threshold, a cunning idea struck her. [i]This castle must be ancient... just think of all the holes there are! All I have to do is find one big enough to fit me![/i] With an impish grin, Fieri began slithering around the castle's perimeter, searching for handholds and piles of rubble.