[center][img]http://archive.globalgamejam.org/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/13781/Logo.png?1327751079[/img][/center] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h2]Synopsis:[/h2] The year is 2015 and a new it is the eve of the Jubalei Festival. This festival is meant to decide which Pantheon will become the the most worshiped for the next four years. It was created by Athena so that each Pantheon would have a period of time to rule the earth without worry of war and intervention. The Olympians (Greek and Roman) just got through with their 4 year term and now it will be decided through the festivities who will be next to take over. Now on the first day, each participating Pantheon, and some representing gods, have gathered in neutral territory, Tartarus. This is were the competition will be held and and who ever wins will take the Millennium Crown and rule over the Nine Realms for the next four years. On the first day of the proceedings, a large feast is thrown by the previous rulers, and at this feast the rules and games (which are created by the current ruling Pantheon) are discussed and a large party is thrown. Well this year at the party, someone was killed, a god was killed. It was revealed the day after that the goddess killed was Hestia. The entire Olympian Pantheon was in an out rage and left began accusing left and right. Now on the brink of war the community has been divided between the reds and the blues. Reds being the Olympians, Mayans, and Egyptians. The Blues being the Norse, Hindu, and Chinese. With death being on their mind, the gods have come down to the mortal plane to wage war with them selves and taken host to avoid death. You are one of those host who has been chosen for who knows what reason. Your life has been change and now you are nothing but a vessel for death. Time for War. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________[h2][color=ed1c24]Reds:[/color][/h2] [hider=Olympians] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231853/mobachars/images/f/f4/Smite_-_Greek_Flag.png[/img][img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231754/mobachars/images/8/85/Smite_-_Roman_Flag.png[/img] Leaders of the red faction. They are in this war simply for revenge, but don't no who to blame. They are taking anyone who bows at their feet and spits on the Norse name. Zeus leads this faction highhandedly, he is seconded by Ra, and will only listen to his opinion on the matter of which "blue" should die next. They hate the Norse god due to a Rivalry between Odin and Zeus, and now this is the best opportunity for them to get rid of the northern bastards. [/hider] [hider=Egyptian] [center][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231844/mobachars/images/d/da/Smite_-_Egyptian_Flag.png[/img][/center] Second to the Greeks and Romans in this new conflict. The Egyptians don't really have any true enemies in this war, but are always open to opportunity to gain more power. They hope that the others will be too busy killing each other and leave behind the riches just waiting to be collected. Ra has always been a friend to Zeus, was one of the first on his side in the matter. With some scores to settle, they sharpen their blades, and prepare to fight. [/hider] [hider=Mayan] [center][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231806/mobachars/images/1/1b/Smite_-_Mayan_Flag.png[/img][/center] Itzamna got stiff-armed by Ra onto the reds side. He owes the Egyptian king a favor and now he is going to pay for it with blood. He did not want anything to do with war at first, he knew that the fire was already there it just needed to be fanned, and now it was consuming the entire immortal community. On top of all that Zeus has tasked him with finding out why they can be killed now. The Mayans are just another by-standard in Zeus's rage. [/hider] [h2][color=0054a6]Blues:[/color][/h2] [hider=Norse] [center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231835/mobachars/images/a/af/Smite_-_Norse_Flag.png[/img][/center] Odin was in rage when someone or thing had killed Hestia. But was even more mad when Zeus pointed his finger at the Norse Pantheon. He immediately took the offensive and began to form ranks by making friends and calling his children. If war is what the reds wanted, they would get it. He knew that Zeus was only acting up this way because the Norse were guaranteed the crown and would be next up to rule. [/hider] [hider=Hindu] [center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140802231629/mobachars/images/4/4c/Smite_-_Hindu_Flag.png[/img][/center] The Hindu gods owe loyalty to no Pantheon, and they hate them all. The only reason they have sided with the Blues is because Shiva sees them as the lesser of the two evils, and she likes Odin. They are in this for the blood and war only, nothing else. They hope that by siding with the Norse gods they can get the most out of this fight and see it to the end with glory and victory. [/hider] [hider=Chinese] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/mobachars/images/b/ba/Smite_-_Chinese_Flag.png/revision/latest?cb=20140802231816[/img][/center] There is no true leader in the Chinese Pantheon, it was by general consensus that they went over to the Blue side. Mostly because they hate the Greeks for doing them wrong in the past. There are still some who are invested in the Red side but most are with the Blues. They will probably be the least objective in this war and only follow orders just to skirt by. [/hider] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: (Nothing below the age of 16) Gender: (Only male or female) Appearance: (A photo will do but description is welcome) God: (One per character) Which Side Your On: (Your god does not have to side with their Pantheon) Abilities: (Please don't go over board remember your gods have taken human host) Personality: (Just a good strong Paragraph) Bio: (Just some back ground on your god, I don't need a whole history lesson but something about their past.) Extra: (Anything else you can think of) [/hider] Be as creative as possible, this is just a skeleton, so go fly with it. And post in the OOC before for approval.