Name: James Gadston Age: 27 Gender: Male God: Thanatos/Mors Which Side Your On: Reds (for now) Appearance: [hider=Human] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=God Form] [img][/img] [/hider] Abilities: [hider=Death Scythe] [img][/img] [/hider] Soul control: Can control the souls of the undead and have them do his biding. Also can control Spiritual energy. Flight: Can fly due to wings that are given. Invisibility: He can use the shroud of death to make himself invisible. Personality: Before being taken over, James was a very chippy person. He never had a care in the world and had a pretty chill life. He always said hello to his neighbors and never had an attitude. But after Thanatos took over his being he, the light and air of normality, was gone and replaced by a grim stench. Thanatos made the boy out to be an depressed wanderer just like he is and now people steer clear of him. When he enters a room you can smell the air of death and ruin from a miile away and his facial express does not help. Bio: (Just some back ground on your god, I don't need a whole history lesson but something about their past.) Extra: (Anything else you can think of)