[color=Gold]"Assault team two, ready."[/color] Jericho had volunteered for the assault team as well and been made team leader of the second team after Duncan made it clear he needed to stow the attitude. As usual, Jericho filed it away under "Instances of dissatisfaction with my attitude towards people" and got ready to go. He carried the standard issue Galbadian rifle and sword with a kitchen knife and broken bottle in his pockets where they couldn't be seen along with his pistol hidden under the jacket. However, he'd taken the time to get his scythe hidden away where he could reach quickly in the frenzied mob that would soon be coming. The beginning of his part had been incredibly boring, standing with the rest of the Galbadian guards to maintain the appearance of him being yet another soldier. It was a long route and it was far too long before the float even came into sight. [color=Gold][i]Christ, it's about time.[/i][/color] He carefully adjusted so the Galbadians were between him and the now forming mob, sleeping his hand into the trigger hole of the rifle. When it all turned into chaos, he'd be in position and ready to play the part until the right time, when the two assault teams would escort Deling away from the crowds and then do him in with their improvised weapons. He still was a bit shaky on the extraction plan though.