Name: Nathan Grant AKA: 'Rage' Age: 23 Appearance: [img][/img] Emblem location/color: Neck/Face in a kingfisher blue Years in Guild: 5 Magic Type: Caster Magic Style: Lightning Dragon Slayer Spells: Lightning Dragon Roar, Lightning Dragon Blast, Electric Boom (Area around him becomes electrified some what) Bio: Nathan, Found falling from the Sky by a dragon, off of what seemed to be an incredibly high floating castle, possibly an old guilds hall. The dragons name was Elsteen, and he taught Nathan the basics of Lightning Dragon Magic, Having sparring lessons where Nathan would always come so close to beating his dragon father figure, before inevitably being caught off guard. Nathan always awoke some days and noticed the Dragon missing, as he had gone searching for food, Nathan would practice his techniques, honing them, still very young and only knowing little of his magic, years would go by and Nathan would notice Elsteen leaving days at a time, causing Nathan to be very hungry most of the time, and having to go into nearby towns and steal food, which never ended well. One week went by and Elsteen had never came back, Another week, And another, quickly realising he was never coming back, Nathan sadly departed his 'home', in search of a new family, or maybe just an abandoned home. This is where he came upon the Silver Tridant guild, after travelling from place to place every couple of years he stumbled upon a majestic home, which quickly became a favorite of his, beginning to do contracts and being assigned groups 'Rage' would become a very integral part of the Guild, several people seeing him as a friend and someone to look up to, even in his short time at the guild. This is where his backstory ends, and this one begins. Personality: Upbeat, Attention-Seeking at times and rather cocky of his abilities, Always trying to impress the girls. Relationship?: N/a Equipment: N/a Other: [color=9e0b0f][b][u]N/a[/u][/b][/color]