[img]http://s28.postimg.org/ddnwfu3q5/Banner_forum_copia.png[/img] [i][b][color=7ea7d8]Dark Lord's Castle[/color][/b][/i] The Master stayed silent all the time. He had already given Lucifer his permission to go on that mission, so the boy only needed to get the approval of the rest of the council. Not that it mattered that much, but he was curious about the others' views. Alastor liked hearing the human boy talk. He was passionate about his ideals and didn't seem to give up easily. Though the Master wondered how long it'd take for him to start a riot against him if he or his other men denied him the right to act as he pleased. This guy was someone they should keep an eye on. In his speech, he made it seem like he really wanted Alastor to win the war, but Alastor knew that it wasn't really [i]him[/i] who the boy supported. He would go to any side that provided him with an alternative to the Lionfury's tyranny. Which meant that if another faction appeared, he might as well side with them. [i]So "put Master Alastor Daeva on the throne", uh?[/i] The demon chuckled. That was kind of funny. [color=7ea7d8]"Not all of us hate humans as much as you think."[/color] Yeah, it was more like an impossibility to relate to them. To blend into the crowd with them. And the unthinkable idea of kneeling before a mere human king... But not necessarily hate. At least, not the type of hate that a human would feel. [color=7ea7d8]"But how would [i]a human[/i] feel about us?"[/color] The question was obviously directed at Lucifer rather than an hypothetical human collective. Lucifer always tried to sound as if he had really adapted to the demon lifestyle, but his Lord could feel how he still disagreed with their way of dealing with certain things. And since he wondered if the boy would really stay loyal to them, first he needed to know if he actually [i]hated[/i] them. He wasn't expecting a friendship with him, but they needed to have something else in common, more than just a goal to achieve, or someday he could just wake up and realize that a bunch of demons aren't exactly his ideal partners for his mission. And Alastor wasn't so blind as not to see that Lucifer didn't get along with the others and that he didn't feel comfortable in his Master's presence. But not only that. There was something else that he had recently thought about. That town of Krowsgard was closer to Trance than it was to Alastor's domains. If the King Valorian suspected by any chance that his enemy was making a move, he'll definitely feel very interested in resolving that matter first. And what would happen then? Alastor was sending three soldiers, but Valorian could send all his guards, since they'd still be close to the capital. And then there wouldn't be anything that Lucifer could do. He'd surely be he executed. And then Alastor would lose the only soldier who's not interested just in chopping the enemy's head. Plus the king would be getting all the glory that way. [color=7ea7d8]"Just tell me what makes you think that this matter will be easy to handle. I actually see a lot of potential danger."[/color] Then he turned to face Lance and made a gesture towards him telling him to calm down. The last thing the Master wanted was to have one of his bloodthirsty warriors getting upset. Lucifer had been harsh with his words, and insulting a horde of sadistic demons when you're stuck in a room with them wasn't exactly the most intelligent move. If any of them suddenly attacked, Alastor wouldn't be able to control them on time before they killed the boy. [color=7ea7d8]"Lance, do you really think that they'd still be loyal to us after we deceive and betray them? They might as well turn to Lionfury seeking revenge of us."[/color] This was supposed to be a tactical movement, not an attempt to kill off the whole town. [color=7ea7d8]"Though we could definitely do what you suggest if things don't go as planned... What do you think, Zenith?"[/color] He leaned slightly towards his servant. [color=7ea7d8]"Wouldn't you enjoy having some beautiful monster bound to you?"[/color]