[color=00746b][b][h3]Hero Sura Lightkeep[/h3][/b][/color] As the young ragamuffin knight shot Hero a menacing look, he simply rolled his eyes. The only reason Hero could see for that man getting into the Kingsgaurd was that he was a good fighter. He lacked the tact and silence to be a scout, and the intelligence, cunning, and charisma to be a spy. He probably wasn't even that loyal to the king. Hero's thoughts were interrupted by Spoony's enthusiastic exclamations. He quickly regained his composure and nodded. Was there ever any doubt? Through sleet nor snow, he would keep a promise made to a friend. As he handed over the platter of sweet rolls, Spoony handed him his Knork. She was right, the weight was much better now. He gave her a slight grin, and waved to her goodbye. [color=00746b][b]"Thanks. I'm gonna go grab a sheathe from my room, and then I have a [i]lot[/i] of cooking to do."[/b][/color] He explained. With that, he left. After he went to his room and quickly grabbed a sheathe for his weapon, he tried to return to the kitchen. Unfortunately, there were three people blocking his path. That damn guard again, a handmaiden, and the princess herself. He bowed to the queen like the knight beside him, and greeted the princess with a simple [color=00746b][b]"Hello."[/b][/color] He then asked the handmaiden beside her, [color=00746b][b]"Would you mind moving, ma'am?"[/b][/color] He honestly just wanted to get back to his kithen. Hopefully this wouldn't evolve into an issue.