[img]http://i.imgur.com/3VLa52M.png?1[/img] One lone face out of the many caught Rouen's eye. It was Reaver, the personal moniker he gave to the King's personal lackey, Sam Spark. A man who dealt with wetwork and less scrupulous affairs. [b]"And one with an obvious taste for blood,"[/b] he thought. He thought back to the reports his informants gave. The aftermaths of Reaver's missions were particularly brutal. Rouen knew his presence wasn't anything out of the ordinary. The King always kept the man a hair's breath away, especially during events like these. He smirked as he watched the man sipping on a goblet while leaning against the wall. [b]"In a party like this, dancing, socializing, and enjoying oneself is the norm. You my good friend are deviating from the norm quite clearly. I don't think you are nearly as good at hiding as you think you are,"[/b] Rouen thought. Rouen took another sip from his goblet as he continued to watch the lone man stand amidst the hundreds of other folks dancing and talking with each other.