[b]Name[/b]: Actraiser [b]Age[/b]: Thousands of years old [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/CdJzhub][img]http://i.imgur.com/CdJzhub.jpg[/img][/url] [b]God[/b]: Mithras [b]Which Side Your On:[/b] So far he's on the Red Side but views the leadership as incompetent. He may just leave. [b]Abilities[/b]: He has the power to fight as if he were a one man army. Mithras was a Roman god of war and light. . . [b]Personality[/b]: Mithras, compared to other deities of the Greco-Roman Pantheon, is not bad at all. In fact, especially for a god of war, he's plain nice. He is nowhere near Jesus'es level of the Christians but he can some times be especially kind even for himself, thus, occasional confusion has arisen between who is who, although people no longer make that mistake. Except in scholarly levels of course. People who know Mithras is still around never make the mistake. Mithras will not take a beating, he deals it out. He is also a leader of men and warriors, and since he is a male, he's between Ares and Athena as a god of war, being not as wise as Athena in war, but being as fierce as Ares in combat, yet just as good a leader, he lacks the ferociousness and mad strength of Ares but, truth be told, he is as wise as Athena, better actually, in virtue and morals, yet not necessarily as good at running a civilization. [b]Bio[/b]: Sorry, I don't understand this part. Was a Human being taken over or something?