Re-did the character [@AcerRo] [@c3p-0h] [@NarcissisticPotato] Name: Cain Alias(s): Cain Age: 25 Affiliations: The Mercs Factions: None [hider=Description:] [img][/img] Cain isn’t the smartest person but he’s not stupid. He has a tactical mind and approaches his problems head on with an Iron fist. He is a man of his word he may work for money he values keeping his promises over even his own life. Cain can be quite cocky as he has lived and fought many people coming out a winner in most of them. [/hider] [hider=Powers:] Cain has the ability to manipulate hyperactive cells inside his body. These cells can be whatever Cain needs them to be for the given situation but are only limited to what a body could produce and harbor. Here are a few examples of what he can do with his ability: Glide using bat like wings Increase the sharpness, length, strength of his bones. Increase his muscle mass Replace lost tissue Create Adrenaline Weakness/Limitation: Cain's body constantly produces these cells however there is only a finite amount that he can use in a day. This means that if he is concentrating 75% of his cells on healing then that 75% are lost and are recovered the next day. However if he uses them to change his right hand into a bone like blade then when he morphs it back he recovers the cells used for that transformation. In order to fuel his cells Cain must eat foods high in calories, if he hasn't had a decent meal after two days then his cells will cannibalize other cells in his body in order to keep the production and running of the hyperactive cells going. [/hider] Skills: Can easily adapt to almost any foe Champion Boxer Fought Many Opponents Highly Unhinged Firearms Training Equipment: Black Trenchcoat S&W Magnum Mobile Phone Wallet Ranking: A (Optional) Brief History: Cain has lived through a lot and doesn't remember when he got his power but what he does remember is when the hunger started. The feeling of every nerve in his body suddenly in pain. His body acted on auto eating the nearest thing near him which happened to be a pigeon that had landed near by. He dined on the creature as if it was his first meal in months. The pain left him and he was arrested for animal cruelty and several other charges. While in jail he found out that he could change his body. Calling a policeman over to his cell he stabbed him in the stomach with his knife like nails grabbed his key and made his escape from the jail murdering his way through the station. Cain has built himself up as a reliable man who will get the job done. For the right price.