West had scanned the journal on the walk here and had the beginning of their route mapped out in his head, including what to expect in each room. "The dungeon features a lot of goblin enemies, pretty simple but they can be worrying in large numbers." He began to explain, carefully poking stairs in front of him with the tip of his sword, searching for traps "The first room probably won't offer too much danger, it'll be designed to teach us what to expect deeper within instead of attempting to kill us." He had encountered Goblin style enemies in other games and could expect certain things from these enemies, but it was still going to be a new experience and he was certainly on edge about it. The notebook gave a lot of detail about the creatures, their weakness to fire and how quick they were were mentioned in fantastic detail, but it still felt like certain things were missing. After what was beginning to feel like an eternity, the stairway began to level out and suddenly West found himself in an archway, standing before a well lit room. Inside the moss covered walls he could make out a pair of small tents on either side, made simply from very crude leather and rope. In the center of the room was a large fire pit and on further inspection, West could make out a series of small holes in the wall. "Here we are." West mumbled quietly to Brielle "Looks like... Four, maybe five goblins." He said, although he couldn't actually see any of the creatures, he had no doubt that they were inside the tents. He stopped and began to calculate, figuring out the best way to deal with the situation. "It's a group fight, so we should try to make them panic, it'll weaken them greatly. Set fire to the tents, it'll send them scattering then we focus on taking them down one at a time."