[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmYxMTM3YS5WbWx2YkdFZ1RXRjVJRXhwYjI1bWRYSjUuMA,,/pinyon-script.regular.png[/img] [color=mediumvioletred]LightKeep - Outside the Kitchens[/color] Viola watched the boy bow as he stuttered his excuses, mumbling about how he thought everyone was safe; if only he knew how many enemies of the Lionfury family were dancing inside of the hall right at this moment. There may have been plenty of cheer and drinking an fun in good faith and celebration, but many of them were political enemies he would never be able to identify or understand regardless, since the nobles were very quiet with their threats and forthcoming with their smiles. [color=mediumvioletred]"What about men like Sam? Perhaps our enemies have hired another of the Order to come after us. Your position is left unguarded, and few of the Kingsguard watch the festivities because mother and father have yet to arrive. I have Ser Jaime and Ser Rouen to watch over me, but what of my brothers? Jaime cannot be everyone and he cannot watch everyone - even if he is half demon."[/color] The girl scolded him as if he was a child even though she had just reached her ten-and-ninth name day a month before. Viola was one to hate when another refused to accept their position, and was often quick to punish them when they simply cannot control themselves, and as the royal princess she could get away with it. With the arrival of Hero she nodded her head in greet when he bowed to her, and motioned for Serra to step out of the young mans way. [color=mediumvioletred]"I anticipate something delightful for the feast; do not disappoint Hero."[/color] The handmaiden stepped back out of the way and curtsied, as she was the same status as the boy who worked at the castle, though raised from lower. She could understand Cleo's problem with adapting to castle life and noble traditions, but he needed to smarten up. [color=teal]"Perhaps we may give him lessons on edicate, My Lady. When the Majesty has no need of him."[/color] The princess smiled and clapped her hands together. [color=mediumvioletred]"Excellent idea Serra! But for now, we should head to the festivities, we are expected to attend."[/color] With a look at Cleo that told him he had to follow, she headed straight toward the hall where other nobles were dancing and socializing. [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LjY0MGQ3ZC5XbVZ1YVhSb0lFMXZjbkp2ZHcsLC4w/cold-night-for-alligators.regular.png[/img] [color=darkorchid]Dark Lord's Castle - Strategy Meeting[/color] Zenith stood, dressed in his dark robs, his wings tucked flush against his back just beneath the large cloak that spilled over his shoulders. With the hood lowered and hanging over his shoulders and his arm tucked behind his back there was little of his skin to be shown. Violet eyes danced as they flicked between those in the room, listening to and gauging their reactions though he wondered why he heard nothing from Empusa, the demon who inhabited the human boys body. From what Zenith was able to gather, the human boy was nothing but that - a mere human boy - who harbored a desire to help the humans as best as he could though he didn't know why this very war began in the first place. He blinked, staring at Lucifer as his speech ended and waited a moment while both Lance and the Dark Lord spoke, only one directing their attention toward the silent statue standing a comfortable distance from the Dark Lord, and yet still close enough that either of them could reach out and touch the other with little effort. His gaze flicked over to the dark lord, and beneath the collar of his shirt he gulped, quietly and almost impossible to notice though he kept the heat from his face while he reached his mind toward his master and spoke within it, so that none but them would hear his words. [i][color=darkorchid]It depends upon the beautiful monster, though I cannot say I would not use them while I have them. Vengeful monsters can be of use at times.[/color][/i] His mental voice was accompanied by a small twitch of his lips, the corner curling up for a moment before flicking back into the stoic line it had been before he was spoken too. [color=darkorchid]"I am not human, my Lord. I cannot answer for them in how they may react to being turned into a monster, though it would seem to me that they would have nowhere to go. They may hate us for doing it to them, but they cannot turn to the Lionfury, for the human royalty is not fond of monsters. The Princess keeps her secret from her father well."[/color] The male licked his lips in a moment of pause, giving a moment to allow that to sink in before he looked upon his masters face again and allowed the corners of his mouth to turn up in a small grin when he spoke next. [color-darkorchid]"I am already bound to a monster my Lord. There is no other who can change that."[/color] With the question answer, Zenith was amused slightly though he didn't hum and the grin slipped from his lips as he looked over toward Lucifer again, watching him for a moment before delving into the boys mind to speak with the demon. [i][color=darkorchid]Empusa, you allow your puppet to run rampant too often. It is not welcome.[/color][/i] The male gave no hint to speaking within the boys mind to the others as his gaze came upon Lance, then Jaunte and Blake. Each had their own skills, and none had any reason to assist the humans as the darkness had long tainted them and mortals had held them down for too long. These are the ones who had come to them seeking their revenge, though they had earned the Dark Lords trust in time and come to form the Seven that worked for and with Alastor in his war against human suppression. [color=darkorchid]"Do you remember the stories you were told as a child Lucifer? The tales of demonic cruelty toward the humans? The stories they would tell you when you asked why the war had begun in the first place. Why would you come to us when coddled by human means? We will not bend our knee to fragile human kings, or allow them to torment the inhuman. We have our allies among the fey, and nearly every inhuman being residing within the kingdom."[/color] Zenith paused, his violet gaze turning an icy silver as he stared directly at the small human boy, simply daring the demon inside of him to take control as he called her weak and fragile like her host. [color=darkorchid]"It is not out armies or allies that are weak. It's the conviction of some among us."[/color] [@Kafka Komedy][@Neko Sensei][@Otakuforreal][@Cuccoruler][@Amphibious Assualt][@Welshdudette]