[@Kafka Komedy] I mean I wouldn't say you have to [b]know[/b] the original material 100% to participate in this roleplay. It would certainly help a small bit, but it's not required. I'd recommend finding a quick summary of the most important arc that you missed, the Pain Assault arc. But all you really have to know right this very moment is Konoha is still rebuilding from the damage of the Pain invasion as Itachi is off at the Kage Summit. The only reason Konoha still stands is because Naruto single-handedly stopped Pain/Nagato. However, before Nagato died he revealed that he was not the true leader of the Akatsuki--but the masked man that goes by the name of [i]Hashirama[/i] is. I'm totally fine with Ninjas from other villages but they'll be in Konoha at the start of this roleplay to help out rebuilding the village.