[URL=http://s29.photobucket.com/user/Genkai001/media/Misc/38-2_zps0d09b39c.png.html][IMG]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c260/Genkai001/Misc/38-2_zps0d09b39c.png[/IMG][/URL] "I can't believe what a wretched woman she is...coming here and taking over. I can't believe Dumbledore won't do anything about her." Hermione huffed as she and her two best friends walked out of Hagrid's hut. Of course Hermione knew this was what the Ministry would do. But the woman had hurt Harry and was now abolishing everything that made Hogwarts her home. Growing up, she didn't make friends very well. She kept to herself, buried her head books. When she got her letter, she was thrilled to know that there were others like her, people who she could connect with. But when she did begin life at Hogwarts, it was still hard for her to come out of her shell, that was until the night Harry and Ron came to save her. It was then that the bookworm knew that she had found people who she could really count on. And from then on, she did. Hermione was so thankful to have found a new home and to have it slowly dissected was terrible. So she was thinking about starting an underground club to help those around her actual learn useful magic. She had yet to tell Harry the idea. It was just something she tossed around with Ron from time to time. It would be a dangerous proposition. Umbridge was everywhere and monitoring everything and everyone. If they were to put together some club, it would have to be done with the utmost care. As they headed up the hill towards the castle, as it was nearing dinner, there was a large blue object hurdling from the gray sky overhead. Hermione grabbed her wand and Ron reached out for her arm but she tugged it away. "Come on." She said. Harry seemed to agree but Ron stayed where he was until she and Harry vanished into the woods. He then yelled out and ran after them. "Honestly, Ronald, after what we've been through this shouldn't be a big deal." Hermione smiled at the redhead. They walked around until they saw a blue police box amongst the broken trees. Her breath quickened and she held up her wand. "Hello?" She called out. She glanced to Harry but nothing happened. Should they report it? It was hard to imagine how one's life could change so suddenly. But it had for Rose Tyler. Hours ago she was a girl who worked at a retail shop and then she met The Doctor. The man claimed to be an alien and even had a spaceship that looked like an old police box. He ran around and tried to save the city from some giant blob which control all the plastic in the world. It was so hard to believe and yet it was something that she couldn't just walk away from. The Doctor asked her to come with him and see the universe and the only thing she do was kiss Mickey goodbye and dash into the TARDIS. And that's what happened, simple enough. Rose paced around the glowing controls and looked at the man. "So anyplace you wanna show me, alien boy?" She asked teasingly, sticking her tongue out a little as she trailed her hands along to controls. Before there was any time to settle, the TARDIS began to rattle and wail. "I-I didn't do anything I swear!" She held up her hands as she stumbled backwards. Soon enough the chaos subsided and she got to her feet. "What the bloody hell happened?" She rubbed her head. "I'm alright, you?" She asked the Doctor. Rose moved to the door and cautiously opened it and found her staring at a trio of students. "Um hold on a sec, kay?" She shut the door and leaned against. "Oh my god...I think...I think I just saw Harry, Ron and Hermione...is that...is that possible?" She gasped and looked down at her clothes. "Are we...is...is Harry Potter real?" Sure, she read it as a child but to her knowledge, it was just fiction. But then again if aliens were real, who was she to question magic being real as well? It was then quickly explained that J.K Rowling was really someone who could travel in time, but not a Time Lord, and that Harry Potter itself was real. "Wow..." She said and opened the door to see the three still standing there. They were a bit younger than her but not by much. "Hi there...I'm Rose Tyler..." She said awkwardly. "Just hold on again. Sorry." She closed the TARDIS door again and whirled around to face the Doctor. He explained that the TARDIS has locked onto some odd signal which only Time Lords could produce. But sadly it was dim and unable to lock on the signal itself. Whatever was really going on, was really interesting. "Okay so we just pretend to go to Hogwarts and figure out who might be a Time Lord?" She asked him with a shrug. All she was told was that it was rare to find another Time Lord, that the Doctor thought he was the last of his kind. Rose glanced down for a moment, not really sure what to say. To her, he was still just a stranger. How could she comfort someone she just met? "Okay well here goes nothing." She said and turned back around and stepped out into the Forbidden Forest. "Yeah so um I'm late...uh should have been sorted a while ago but I had some troubles and yeah." She said and glanced over her shoulder to see the Doctor wasn't following her out. After seeing a blond girl twice, she finally came out and Hermione offered her hand in greeting. "I'm Hermione Granger, we're fifth years. This is Harry and Ron. Are you alright?" "Yes I'm fine...just shaken up is all." Rose replied and brushed a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Okay." Hermione offered a small smile and the four headed up to the castle. Hermione spent some time talking to Rose, trying to get any information she could. "It's almost time for supper. I'll take you to the Headmaster's office." She offered and put a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I'll see you guys at dinner okay?" She said and with that, she motioned for Rose to follow her. They talked to the Headmaster and then headed down to dinner since Rose didn't appear injured. Hermione had an odd feeling about the girl but didn't say anything. It seemed Dumbledore had allowed her so who was she to question it? "Hey guys." She sat down next to Harry and Rose sat on the other side of Hermione where Ron was. "The Sorting Hat put her here so it looks like we've got a new friend." Hermione smiled an began to make herself a plate. "You alright?" Hermione asked Rose who seemed a bit preoccupied. Rose looked to Ron and then over at Harry and nodded silently. "I just...I just..." How could she explain to them that they were from a book? Books she loved. She felt like she was dreaming and yet drowning at the same time. She was supposed to be helping the Doctor find someone. "Is there anyone here you may have an issue with? Someone who just seems...weird?" "There's Umbridge." Ron said as he took a mouthful of meatloaf. "Someone else..." Rose muttered and shook her head, it was still tough to adjust. "Harry, I actually wanted to talk to you about something later tonight." Hermione mentioned, thinking it would be a good enough time to bring up a Defense Against the Dark Arts club. "Maybe Ron can show you around." She then said to Rose. "Oh I think I can find my way around on my own." Rose replied and looked over at the teachers who were sitting at a long table. "I guess I'm a Seventh Year...I wonder what I'll have to take..." She said quietly.