[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] [@Blackmist16] Tightly gripping the mans hand, it did not feel too warm. That is, until a few moments had passed and the heat started to increase sharply. Pulling back his own hand and shaking it, afterwards he just looked upon his palm which was covered in perspiration. [i]He really turned up the heat, there.[/i] Shaking off the droplets, he glared at his own hand yet again to find that they have already frozen solid. [i]Or, maybe he just overheated my cold-skin.[/i] Pausing for a moment, he couldn't help but ask himself if this cold skin due to subconscious magic. If it was, he had to further test it. This experience haven given him some ideas, but in the meantime he looked straight at Vestus and smiled again. "It was warm. A little too warm at that, so I had to cease the handshake."