The dragon had rushed up to Daemon and sent him flying to the side with the saw on it's chest, his lifepoints dropping to zero. The teen connected hard with the concrete, letting out an "Ow!" as he landed. That's the second time that happened! They got up again, feeling the after effects of that blow pretty well in his side and walked up to Adrien. By now his duel disk had gotten back into the "Standby" form, Daemon having put away his deck into his holder. "That was fun... Although I think we've been wasting a bit of time." His attitude took a swift U-turn from the duel, going back to the ditzy personality he showed before. The boy looked to his side, looking at those who watched the duel start to walk away and some starting a duel of their own. Seemed like these two did some good, or bad, depending on how you take it. "So like... Am I still not talented enough to be walking around or...?"