Every step felt heavier than the last as Luca walked through the streets of Namimori. He looked around at all the people going about their day as normal. He wished he had that luxury but it had been pulled out from under him in the last 24 hours. The mafia, the Vongola, and him being the 11th boss. It all came crashing into his life like a wrecking ball. What was he supposed to say about it? Every fiber of his being rejected the idea but it all seemed like he didn't have a choice in the matter. What was he going to tell his mother? What was he going to tell dad...especially dad? As he continued his walk down what felt like the valley of death all he could do was think about what Kanesada had said to him. [hr] [color=royalblue]"I trust you're doing better after what occurred last night, Yuuki?"[/color] The yakJuza heir asked referring to his injuries and the episode he had. Luca's eyes remained downcast due to a mixture of depression and partial fear being in the Kanesada's presence. [color=orange]"J-Just Luca is fine..."[/color] Ren looked the Vongola heir over and decided to skip the pleasantry's. [color=royalblue]"As you wish. Let me come right out and say what I came here to say..."[/color] He spoke clearly and with resolve as he took a seat opposite Luca. [color=royalblue]"I've only observed you for a small time but from what I understand you are indecisive and easily shaken. You shy away from challenges and people and lastly your voice carries only as far the isolated space you've created for yourself. You're nearly the antithesis of a good leader."[/color] With every word Luca was hit with stinging truths he had come to realize prior to this conversation. The fact that Ren had only known him for such a short time and had managed to already piece together Luca. [color=royalblue]"If you are to become the successor to the Tenth, as you are now, the Vongola don't stand a chance."[/color] The statement was swift and unabated. Luca gave no objections. Finally, the blonde teen looked at Ren the turmoil he had been feeling all morning evident on his face. [color=orange]"I-I know! Nothing about this scares me more than that fact...that I'm supposed to be lead!"[/color] Luca tightened his grip on his pantleg. [color=orange]"They've got the wrong person. I'm not cut out to do something like this. Can't they see that I'm not a leader?!"[/color] The room became completely silent for a moment. Finally, Ren stood up. [color=royalblue]"The fact that you do see that tells me there's a chance you could be."[/color] Taken off-guard by the Yakuza boy's statement Luca could do nothing but look at him in surprise. [color=royalblue]"It's true that you display nothing akin to being a leader but the events of last night say otherwise. In the moment you opposed Miss Volkov you surprised me and I caught a glimpse of your potential."[/color] As Luca stared at Ren he could tell his words were sincere. [color=royalblue]"I've been molded and raised to lead from the moment I could walk. Like you I am also next in like to be the head of my family, the Kanesada. I'm not here to persuade you into accepting your fate; we've both had our paths chosen for, the only difference being that I was born into this world and you were thrust into it less than 24 hours ago. I won't insult your intelligence and say that the mafia world is not as bad as you think. In your position it will seem even worse. You'll be targeted..."[/color] ------- A port town in the coast of Italy, 6:15 AM The metal door to one of the warehouses began to rise casting the light of the rising sun onto four figures.[/indent][/center] ------- Ren continued knowing full well his words might push Luca even further away from his eminent role. [color=royalblue]"People will get hurt. And try as you might to save any and every person you may fail..."[/color] ------- As the group stepped out of the warehouse the two heading them alternated speaking. [color=forestgreen]"Everything ready to go?"[/color] The one on the left asked maneuvering a coin through his fingers. "Boat's all packed up. We can leave anytime." The one on the right placed a fedora on his head and smirked. [color=lightgreen]"Sounds good. Time is money after all~ And the old man?"[/color] He asked turning on his heel and walking backwards, facing the one he posed the question to. "He's been informed of our little vacation." The hatted one stuck his tongue out childishly signaling his delight with the news. ------- So far Ren's speech was far from encouraging. Even so, Luca's vice grip he had on his clothing earlier had subsided. [color=royalblue]"The mafia world is not a forgiving one. Alone, your dead. That's why we have families. I've been given the honor of being one of your guardians and I have no intention of squandering that title. I'll be there to lend my advice and I'm sure you know those who are willing to lend their support as well."[/color] As Ren said this Yuki and Asuna's faces flashed in Luca's mind. [color=royalblue]"That's all we can do. Whether your leadership guides us to prosperity or ruin is up to you."[/color] The yakuza heir said his piece and headed out the door. [color=orange]"Kanesada..."[/color] Ren stopped hearing Luca speak to him. [color=orange]"I'm...I'm completely wrong for the job. I don't think I'll ever believe otherwise but...Thanks for coming to talk to me. You've helped clear my mind."[/color] Luca gave Ren a quick smile and though it was weak it was genuine. [color=royalblue]"Hmph. I look forward to the day I can proudly call you boss."[/color] With that Ren left Luca to his thoughts and wondered if the Vongola teen would show up tonight. [color=orange]"I'd rather you not call me that..."[/color] Luca chuckled. [hr] The setting sun illuminated the stairwell through the windows as Luca's footsteps echoed through the empty school. He approached the door to the roof and stood in front of it for few moments that seemed to last forever. [color=orange]"I really don't have a choice do I? Well, there is one...whether I'll give this my all or not."[/color] Luca pushed open the door, temporarily blinded by the light of the sun. Once his eyes adjusted he was greeted by a sense of deja vu as the gathering on the rooftop looked nearly identical to that of the one at the shrine. [color=orange]"S-Sorry I'm late. I...I had a lot on my mind."[/color] ------- Sailing across the water the two leading figures stood at the head of the ship. [color=lightgreen]"What do you think he's like? Knowing him the twerp must be just as soft~"[/color] The other simply continued to snake the coin through his fingers. [color=forestgreen]"I don't know, I don't care. Once it's all over the paradigm will finally shift~"[/color] Setting the coin in his pocket he leaned forward on the railing while the other sat on it. [color=lightgreen]"Yeah. Hope you've put out some treats cause we're on our way to welcome you to the mafia world..."[/color][color=forestgreen]"Vongola Undicesimo~"[/color]