[Center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/carmilla/images/2/2e/Laura_s2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/210?cb=20150624165024[/img] [H2]Clara Barnes[/h2][H3]Human | 24 Years Old | SSPD Detective[/h3] [/center] [B]Personality:[/b] Clara is a young and idealistic detective who plays it by the book. Nigh incorruptible and willing to see each case through to a just end, Clara may be the cop this town needs: but definitely over that it doesn't deserve. While rather naive about how deep corruption runs in the department, she's not entirely oblivious to it and it'll be a while yet before she learns what it takes to be a straight-and-narrow cop in this crooked city. [B]Bio:[/b] Clara was born in Los Hermanos, a rural town about an hour away from the bright lights of Santa Somabra. There, her parents run a bed and breakfast that caters to all types passing into - or out of - S.S. While travellers through the area are in no short supply, the town itself is home to a little over 100 residents; most of which are undocumented farmhands. From a young age Clara was drawb towards police work and the bright lights of Santa Somabra. At eighteen years old she moved out of Los Hermanos and joined the Santa Somabra Police Department. The papers had always painted the department as a candle in the darkness, a place that the corrupting tentacles of the city could not reach. Working on the street level, Clara never caught as much as a glimpse of how deep that lie ran. She did her work and she did it damn well and after five years on the beat she put in for a promotion for detective work and plopped into a small-time arson desk. "Arson is always about insurance," her mentor told her, "a regular Joe, who lost his job and needs a way to pick up the slack." His words rung true for a solid year of arson investigations. A year of scavenging through the coals of houses and interviewing owners and putting them in irons for insurance fraud. Clara caught the eye of her police captain and he put her in to be promoted to a homicide desk: not because of her skill as a detective, but rather to create a literal poster-child for the department. Clara is, after all, a young, pretty girl and her incorruptible nature is that of the model policeman. She, as of yet, has not been involved in an official murder investigation. But with trouble stirring in Santa Somabra, she's sure to get her chance.