[hr][h1][i][color=aqua]Jennifer Marissa Caspin[/color][/i][/h1][sub][@ToadRopes][/sub][hr] [i]Pant, pant, pant... Jennifer was running through the alleyways of the city, which have suddenly become nearly endless. Dark, but bright enough so that she still knew where she was going. She was running fast as her legs could take her. There was a group of people behind her, she was too scared right now to look behind her. That meant death. She kept running and running, and running, until the whole scene changed. She found herself under a bridge.[/i] That bridge. [i]She quickly looked around, and Penny - the young girl with the porcelain white skin, and dressed in dirty clothes that were appropriate for a girl her age - appeared. "Jenny, hey!" She said, and it caught Jennifer's attention. "Penny, come her-" The girl gasped, and ran off, and Jennifer turned around. The first thing she saw was a shadow-y figure, his features were obscured... but the gun he was holding... she could see that clear as day. A Desert Eagle. "Time to say goodbye, freak..." He calmly said. All before Jen heard a raging boom, and then... nothing but the white light from the muzzle flash.[/i] [hr] [hider= Darius - S/Ash][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1sAT7ACHqA[/youtube][/hider] [hr] Jen quickly shot her upper body up into a sitting up position, loudly letting out a gasp. Her heart was racing. Panting as she looked around to realize where she was. In her bedroom. Wrapped in her covers. Wearing a T short, and some underwear. It was... just a nightmare. It [i]truly[/i] is one thing after another in this city. Why does she keep having nightmares about it every night? It was over with! She made it out unscathed. Jen put her hand on her forehead, ruffing her hand through her bangs. [i]Okay, okay, okay... I just need to distract myself - remind myself of all the good things I have. [/i]She thought to herself - when it was so hard to think in the middle of all the panting. [i]Ever since the incident, I'm... doing better socially than ever before. I've made so many friends in the span of a day, and... I appreciate each and every one of them, giving me a little bit of attention. I... still have my brothers, and my sister, and my mother isn't doing well, but I know she'll get better. Everything is fine. I am fine, my family is fine, and my friends are fine.[/i] Jennifer let out a sigh, and her heart went down. She laid down on her back for a moment, and just thought [i]happy thoughts[/i] from here on in. That helped... but she couldn't repress the welling dread inside of her. And she wondered if she ever could. Opening her eyes, Jen reached to the nightstand, and grabbed her phone. She shifted through the text messages. Not much, other than one from Meifeng ([u][i]Had fun at the pary wit u, u should drink les or dat liver of yours will explode. lmao[/i][/u]), and another from Ratchet, one that actually caught her eye, [u][i]You want to meet today after I watch Inside Out with my cousin?[/i][/u] Well, sure. She'd love to go meet Ratchet, and get some of these thoughts out of her head. Last time she saw Ratchet was at the party - after the situation with the jewels was settled, Jennifer parted ways with Meifeng, and Ratchet, and went home by herself. A risky move, but Jen knew her way around Verthaven. Just stay on the train, or the ferry, and don't talk to anyone. At least that's what she was told when she head off to school. Either way, Jen shot Ratchet back a text; [i][u]Yeah, sure, we're going to meet at Knightdale? I'm on my way, just give me a place where you want to meet.[/u][/i] It took a second or two to type, but she sent it successfully. Well, she better get ready for the trip, if she gets ready now, she can be there by the time Ratchet's movie is over. She threw the covers off herself, got off the bed, and stood at the side. Taking the few moments to make her bed, before turning to her dresser to get a [url=http://i3.cpcache.com/product/1540707227/mermaids_are_real_tshirt.jpg?height=300&width=300]t-shirt[/url] and some jean shorts. She quickly draped it over her arm, and began a light jog down the hallway into the bathroom. From there, she took off her clothes, and undid her ponytail, before stepping into the shower. With one turn of the nozzle, she was letting warm water hit her naked flesh, washing off the dirt of the previous night with a wash cloth. Few minutes later, and Jen stepped out of the shower, quickly putting on her outfit for the day, and only returning to her room to grab her phone, her sneakers, her wallet (and some pocket change), and her 3DS XL. Putting on her sneakers, Jen was right out the door expecting to be hit with the brutal sun, but this morning, it was pretty cloudy. It looked like rain, which his good. She was getting tired of the hot days anyway. Jenny started walking down the streets of University Row, which had school after school. Usually families live in Central Valley, but the Caspins found a new house in University Row. Though, there was no way in hell that she was going to [i]walk[/i] all the way to Knightdale Rows (Which requires passing Union Point Hills (No), or Downtown (Which is still locked down)). She decided to take a more... scenic ride. It wasn't long before Jennifer came up to a river, and in her gaze was a small wooden dock. Jenny walked up the dock, and came up to a ferry boat. She put a few dollars in as she walked onto the boat, and found herself a seat near the front. She pulled out her DS, and started playing Advance Wars Dual Strike. Ignoring all the scenery that could occupy her attention instead.