[hider=Christina Lawrence] [center][img]http://img06.deviantart.net/631e/i/2012/325/f/7/random_anime_girl_001_by_lafoxtriel-d5lquuc.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Christina Lawrence [b]Nickname:[/b] "Ice Queen" [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 145 [b]Year:[/b] Senior [b]Personality:[/b] Christina is considered evil by many due to her sadistic tendency towards others and her cold and malicious heart. She is often seen talking down to some one and will be the first to call out someone on their mistakes. Most of the time when she does smile they are filled with evil intent and never really convey what she feels. But beneath her cold demeanor is a heart that wants a chance to be friendly but has been hurt to many times in the past to let that happen. Overall, if she is seen being extra cold and nasty towards certain people it is because she cares about their growth and development, or at least this is the only way she knows how to show it. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] When facing weaker opponents, she spites them with dramatic words and flirtatious banter. The girl gets very distracting and plays with her foes like a spider plays with its prey once it is caught in a web. When facing stronger opponents, or those that disrespect her, she turns cold as ice, and does not spare a single blow. Some have considered her to be over-kill when she gets angry and needs to be restrained. [b]Martial Arts:[/b] Shaolin Boxing: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Praying_Mantis]Seven Star Praying Mantis Boxing[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leopard_Kung_Fu]Leopard Kung Fu[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunken_Monkey]Drunken Monkey[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_Kung_Fu]Southern Snake Style[/url] [b]History:[/b] Christina was raised in an New York Orphanage until she was 6. Growing up on the rough streets of New York, she had to learn how to take a hit from the other kids and people who would bully her for her white hair. Every friend she made would turn on her and soon she became alone and distant. When she turned six, Christina was adopted by a young wealthy couple who lived in Southern China. They lived in Quanzhou, in the city there is a old Shaolin Temple were she began taking her lessons. When she got in her first sparing match, Christina won and after feeling the power that came with it she swore she would never lose again. So she began her training with the monks of this temple, learning day in and day out until she bled. She learned each of the main Southern Shaolin Boxing styles in great depth, but not in mastery. Although she finished her training, most of her teachers say that she is wild, lacks compassion for her opponents and is stubborn. She also needs to learn how to lose and move on from it. Upon hearing about Shinjuku Academy, she was excited and thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to stretch her legs, she got her invitation due to a recommendation by many different southern masters. During her first three years at Shinjuku, Christina fought any and everyone that would approach her, she would play with not only their bodies, but their mental states as well, sometimes even making them cry mid match and fall apart. She earned the name Ice Queen, due to her lack of mercy and compassion while she dismantled her opponents. Soon people would not want to fight her and she would have to go out of her way to find worthy opponents. The main thing she learned at Shinjuku was humility and the power and knowledge that comes with a loss. [b]Dreams and Fears:[/b] Her dream is to take over her foster parents company and bring it to a global status and then take on the world. Once that is done she wants to give back to those who have helped her along the way. Her biggest fear is being hurt again, like she was in New York. Christina never wants to feel pain like that again, so she trains every day so that there is no excuse for being her. [/hider]