[hider=Daichi Sentouki] [center][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/77088eb4c352c877420c789e064d872f/tumblr_n9rjrjUN1n1qdoqylo1_1280.png[/img][/center] [i]Name[/i]: Daichi Sentouki [i]Age[/i]: 15(Freshman) [i]Height[/i]: 5' 7" [i]Weight[/i]: 167 lbs (Middleweight) [i]Personality[/i]: Daichi is a colourful and cheerful person who enjoys others companies rather than solidarity outside of training and fighting. Daichi is a very honest and selfless person however Daichi can stand up for his friends "too much". He's not afraid of anyone that threatens their friends, which can land him in some sticky situations. However, he is also incredibly self-doubtful as he doesn't believe he's that good a fighter, even though he was accepted into this school which hopefully meant something. He keeps his promises, defends anyone and is far from turning down a challenge of ANY scale. [i]Fighting Style:[/i] Daichi is a very standard boxer with a good mix of offense and defense, however what he usually does is wait, examine, and act. At the beginning he'll hang back, moving around the enemy, dodging and blocking attacks to get a feel of his opponent. After he gets his first gauge, he'll try and switch it up to offensive strategies. However this lasts for a little bit to test the defensive capabilities of his opponent. With all this data gathered, it would be time to make a plan and stick with it. [i]Martial Arts[/i]: [url=http://www.expertboxing.com/boxing-basics/how-to-box/the-beginners-guide-to-boxing]Boxing[/url] [i]History[/i]: Daichi has always had problems with bullies, his own or his friend's bullies. This problem had started at about midway through elementary school where a bully had decided to make Daichi's group of friends his target. However, you mess with Daichi's friends, you've messed with him. Daichi approached the older bully in the middle of the playground and asked him to stop pushing him and his friends about. Well... you can probably imagined how that went. An ass-kicking occurred and a call from the principle. Daichi wouldn't let this go, even with the school now involved. His parents wouldn't stand for this, but at the same time, they wouldn't stand for their son to be violent either. That being the case, Daichi secretly researched and practiced Boxing. Boxing was a way of honourable fighting which demonstrated skill and who was better, not just senseless beating. Senseless beating was for bullies, an honourable fighting style to stand up for his friends was for Daichi. After weeks of youtube videos, books from the library and physical practice, Daichi approached the bully a second time, asking for an apology and a promise to discontinue the bullying. Obviously, the bully disagreed and went to swing at the child. Daichi ducked to the left, under the arm and threw a left jab to the face. That one punch was all it took that day to begin his pursuit of boxing. Daichi's life has been pretty uneventful apart from his boxing. Joining a boxing gym, and then amateur leagues became integral to his life. He could never imagine life without boxing. But with his new school, he could have chosen to be any kind of fighter, learn a new style maybe. But no... Boxing let him prove something, and help himself. He could beat these other fighters who used kicks and grabs at the school, he would hopefully attain a new skill level that will propel himself into professional boxing. If not, it proved he had a long way to go. [i]Dreams and Fears:[/i] Daichi strives to be one thing, World Champion. That is his ultimatum, his one true dream and goal in life. However, probably his biggest fear is to be useless. For example, if he is physically defending someone and he fails, that's when he believes his biggest fear has come true. What's the point in him fighting if his motive for it fails? [/hider]