[h3][color=#2dbdfc]Lucifer of Phoenix[/color][/h3] [color=#2dbdfc]Dark Lord's Castle[/color] Lucifer didn't like that laugh Alastor gave. It sounded patronising to his ear, as if by being serious and determined he had somehow amused the Dark Lord. [color=#2dbdfc]"Did I say something funny, sir? I didn't mean to."[/color] He failed to keep the irritation out of his voice [color=#2dbdfc]"How would a human feel about us, sir?"[/color] Lucifer inquired, confused slightly by the question. It was said rather pointedly, like the question was about Lucifer rather than any other human. Confusion swiftly gave way to irritation and he answered in quite a grumpy tone. [color=#2dbdfc]"Poorly, at best. But it is [i]not[/i] because we - you, I should say - are demons, but because you act in a way that is deplorable. Humans generalise the particular, and compare others to themselves. If, for example, a lone Amazon warrior wanders into a town, most people would generally assume she was a man-raping violent barbarian. People would be avoiding her on the streets. On the other hand, if that same Amazon wandered into a town where no-one knew what an Amazon was and acted perfectly amicable - showing generosity, kindness and affection - then the residents would assume that all Amazons were like that. Even though we know the differences, both biologically and culturally, in Amazonian culture, we naturally compare them to our own. Failing a live person to evaluate, we fall back on rumors and legends. How many rumors and stories of the 'evil demons beyond the Badlands' have sifted down to Trance? And you what? They are all bloody [i]true[/i]"[/color] He hissed the last line. He hated being surrounded by demons twenty-four seven. He hated the contempt he always got from the old warriors, he couldn't stand the Succubi constantly trying - and failing - to seduce him and he absolutely despised the sheer amount of dogs that seemed to be kicking about, each the prized pet of someone amongst the ranks. What would it take for him to get some normal people to talk to? His occasional trips to the Badland villages always felt like a holiday and they were always over too soon. A boy should not feel so uncomfortable in the presence of so-called allies. [color=#2dbdfc]"And why should it be a difficulty, My lord?"[/color] Lucifer's voice was getting firmer and angrier, yet not louder. [color=#2dbdfc]"Two demon warriors and a highly-trained Outlander warrior, plus anyone we can recruit whilst there, versus fifty or so untrained schmucks with second rate weapons, whips and wild mutts. Valorian's men wouldn't dare object to us fighting against a criminal organisation. And we don't need to announce what side we're on until [i]after[/i] the job is done. By the time the Kingsguard will have noticed we were even there, we will be halfway back to the Outlands. Even on the off chance that one of us was captured, we would be too valuable to kill, being part of the 'Dark Lord's' inner circle. They'd probably want to keep us around to point and laugh at. And anyway, if I was to be executed, I'm sure a 'mere mortal' like me can be easily replaced anyway."[/color] The bitterness in the boy's voice was unmistakable, with hints of longing sneaking their way in here or there. [color=#2dbdfc]"Or is it something else, sir? Do you really distrust me so much that I must take an armed guard not of my own choosing? Is it to protect me, or make sure I don't defect? Why would I side with a man who clearly has no interest in my and my people's well-being?"[/color] Now it was Lucifer's turn to talk pointedly - he clearly didn't just mean Lionfury, but Daeva as well. [color=pink][i]Lucifer, calm down - this isn't helping anyone[/i][/color] Lucifer did not calm down - instead, he only got more irate [color=#2dbdfc]"As for your question, Sir Morrow - yes, I do remember the old tales. I took a particular liking to the story of the Lamias, the snake-women who would find lonely travellers and take them back to their lairs to feed on their blood. I thought that they sucked them dry, but my very own demon informed me that no, they take one or two people, drain them until they were nearly dead, then allowed them to recover whilst keeping them fed and watered. It would be impractical, you see, for them to have one big meal then have to expend all their energy trying to find another feeding-slave. And I had the [i]astounding[/i] luck of meeting one for myself. I didn't get the chance to ask many questions, however, I was a bit... tied up. And thanks to her, I can't even look at a simple snake without flinching anymore."[/color] [color=#2dbdfc]"I came here because there was a raised banner that promised to overthrow Lionfury and instill a new king on the throne - we need a shakeup in Trance and honestly, I thought that Alastor had the potential to be a very good king, if the company he kept was rather unrefined. But if that's not your intention - if you mean to destroy rather than control Trance, and I have seen much of the former and almost nothing of the latter - then I am afraid our desires do not match up. If that's the case, please tell me and I can be out of the castle by tonight.[/color] [color=pink][i]Are you out of your mind, Lucifer? They'll kill you![/i][/color] [color=#2dbdfc]"If they are going to kill me, Empusa, they may as well get it over with."[/color] Lucifer said in something that was most certainly not a whisper. [color=pink][i]Okay, you've clearly lost your mind and Zenith is acting like a bitch. Move over, it's my time to shine[/i][/color] There was no noise, no flash and no cries of pain. It looked like there had been no change at all. However, at once, Lucifer's body slackened and he kicked his feet up on the table, his hands going back to cradle his head from behind. He looked totally relaxed, as if the past five minutes hadn't just happened. And then he started talking and you could immediately tell that lucifer wasn't talking anymore [color=pink]"I'm just going to put the kid on time out until he calms down. Damn, I forgot how good it felt to be the one in charge of all the movement!"[/color] Getting a little more serious, Empusa turned to address Alastor [color=pink]"I don't mind you having the dogs in the meeting and all, but could you at least keep the third one on a leash like the other two are?"[/color] She winked at Zenith in case the message was lost. Then she turned to Lance [color=pink]"Lance! Good to see ya! Cerby's been doing well, I see. How old is he now? I keep telling Lucifer to get a dog, but he doesn't like the idea for some reason. We should really catch up sometime soon, alright?"[/color] And now she turned to Zenith, a mischievous glint in her eyes [color=pink]"And the dog himself! Still kissing ass instead of kicking it, I see. I couldn't help but notice you were being a massive pussy so I thought I'd come right out and tell you. You know, what you weren't doing to my Lucifer? But don't worry, I've come to expect that from a mindless bitch such as yourself! I just wanted to tell you that just because my human happens to be capable of independent thought, unlike yourself who gets lonely and desperate if separated from your master for all of five minutes, doesn't mean he's gone rampant. He just happens to have thoughts, opinions and an agenda which does not involving total subservience to his higher-ups. So the next time you have an issue with the way me and Lucifer run ourselves, keep it to yourself, got it? Back to you, Lucifer. You see this thing, Zenith? It's called 'trust'. Look it up sometime, okay?"[/color] And just like that, Empusa had retreated back into Lucifer and the boy was once more in control f himself. His first action to celebrate was to sit bolt upright. He then rested his elbows on the table and double facepalmed. He didn't look up. [color=#2dbdfc]"I... would like to pretend that never happened. Where were we?"[/color]