[h3]Kingdom of Aeroral[/h3] They had only settled long enough with something of a shoddy wooden wall before starting a settlement, trying to make sure they had some sort of protection. While not a reinforced wooden wall, it was enough to give them time to prepare against an attack. Princess Lestra had little to no knowledge of Military Tactics, depending on her Fathers best friend, general, and leader of the Personal Guard, to make sure they were safe. She wasn't very well versed in civilization or agriculture either, the most she knew was a little politics. While the government of Aeroral didn't require a King to lead and/or limit a Queens power (It gave Queen as much power as a King), it was still expected that women didn't go into things as much as men did. Not that they couldn't, it's just they weren't encouraged to or looked at as. She was confused and lost, heavily dependent on her Fathers best friend.