[center][h1][b]Cain - Cain Enters the Fray![/b][/h1][/center] "You know buddy you're just making this harder on yourself. I don't normally hurt other metas but you are awfully stubborn. How much pain do you think you can really endure?" The man in question was a meta George was his name he was able to control air currents and influence the weather. He was tied to a chair with a broken left hand and dislocated jaw. Cain was smoking as he paced in front of George. "Now buddy, George wasn't it. I just want you to tell me where your wife is. All I'm going to do is go there and kill her, nice and quick no pain at all." Tipping the chair backwards onto the floor he looked at George in the eyes. "Oh sorry I forgot you're probably going to have trouble talking what with the whole mouth thing. But look here is a map of the city, you point to the place and I'll go there kill your wife and then come back set you free. If it turns out you were wrong I'll back here and see if I can't jog your memory with the same techniques that I've been using these past four hours." To address his point he ground his foot on George's left hand. George's reply was a groan in pain, he had lost the energy to scream after Cain had infected him with his own blood. His ability was eating away at George's cells, a broken hand and a dislocated jaw were the least of his worries as his body was being destroyed from the inside. Cain lifted the chair back upright placing the map in George's lap and untying his right hand. George looked at the map then back up at Cain a defiant look in his eyes. "So still gunna play that game? No matter I'm sure my gift to you will finish you off in a day. But until then we can enjoy ourselves. Right?" Cain had walked away from George to the table he had set up, on it were a selection of tool you might find in a tool kit. Picking up the pliers he turned round to George. "Let's see if we can't clip away that stubbornness of yours." As he walked over to Cain the wall where he had placed his tool blew inwards, standing there was his George's wife Hollie a meta blessed with super strength. "Well hello there Hollie just the woman i was looki-" Cain didn't finish what he was saying as Hollie had pounced onto him and clothes-lined him into the wall behind him. The wall cracked from the force. Cain struggle to stand several of his ribs were broken and his lungs were punctured. His ability quickly began to heal him but Hollie gave him no time to catch his breath uppercutting him and then side kicking him in the kidneys. Coughing up blood he staggered up. Hollie looked at Cain anger in her eyes. "You're a monster Cain, preying on people like me and my husband you make me sick!" Hollie Grabbed Cain's head and pounded it into the ground, the concrete that made up the floor cracking with the force. Hollie released Cain's head. Cain hadn't planned to fight this woman on even grounds and now he was paying for it. Hollie left Cain on the floor untying her husband. Cain's body quickly stitched itself back together faster then Hollie thought was possible for him. She was holding George in her arms giving Cain the advantage as he stood up. "Bad move sister, you have a choice; Drop your husband and I kill him or run away with your husband and I kill you both." Hollie jolted through the hole she had made and began to run away from him. Cain shook his head sadly, his feet became elongated and [url=http://33.media.tumblr.com/985d6076219b6e5ee52e4e1a45cfab96/tumblr_inline_niyo9147Bs1so7sym.gif]cheetah[/url] like allowing him to move faster then even an Olympic athlete. Chasing after Hollie and George, super strength is good but she wasn't super fast. He easily caught up to her his right arm became elongated and blade like bending backwards he zoomed past her his arm snapping forwards with enough force to crush concrete. He skidded to a halt in front of her. Turning around his body returned to normal as Hollies head fell at her feet. George fell with her he had missed Cain's blade by inches. Looking down at Hollie and George he smiled. "Sorry George buddy it's nothing personal, your wife has caused problems for my employer and now well. She wont be causing problems for anyone. I'll do you a solid though." Cain grabbed George's broken hand and removed Cain's cells from George's body. "Now you should survive and live to fight another day. I do like it when people are out to get me, keeps me on my toes." Cain called the hospital telling them George's location. Tipping his imaginary hat to George who had fallen unconscious from shock he turned and left. Leaving the area he phoned his employer who told him where the dead drop for the money was. Smiling he found the dead drop and collected his money. Turning around he heard the sound of a rifle bolt clicking. He reacted to late as his body was peppered with bullets from the fully automatic Assault Rifle. Looking at his chest he saw blood pouring from the holes made by the bullets. Falling to the floor he looked up, seeing the determined look on his assailants face he memorized it as he fell unconscious.