[hider=Huang Miyamoto] [center][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/63a46d9d42519c9eb9f351aae49c6ecb/http://i1116.photobucket.com/albums/k561/AnimeAlbum/Originals/Original%20Males/511741.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Name[/i]: Huang Miyamoto [i]Nickname[/i]: The Demon of Shinjuku [i]Age[/i]: 19 [i]Height[/i]: 5'11" [i]Weight[/i]: 158lbs [i]Year[/i]: Senior [i]Personality[/i]: Huang feels that due to his position as President and reputation in the school as one of, if not THE top fighter, that he must be respected and doesn't care how. He has control of his anger thanks to his training however he shows no quarter in unleashing the slightest amount to put someone in their place whether verbally or physically. When in conversation he comes across as a calm individual with a condescending tone at times but tries to hide it through a faux smile. He cannot stand freshmen or as he puts it "pieces of meat to be fed to the wolves". His hatred for freshmen will stem farther if they show any kind of weakness but that hatred is not limited to JUST freshmen. ANYONE who shows weakness in front of him is considered lower than him. When fighting his fake smile has a tendency to become more genuine and a bit dark. [i]Fighting Style:[/i] Because of his personality he likes to remind people of who is on top by using explosive strikes and damaging clinches. His quick and nimble body allows him to become more flexible in a fight in order to get out of certain situations. He will taunt his opponents in subtle ways like adjust a fist or a kick to where he thinks it is the right place before going in and countering with a more precise, harder hit. He doesn't prefer to use any form of ground game but will if he needs to. [i]Martial Arts[/i]: [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muay_Thai]Muay Thai[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silat]Silat[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brazilian_jiu-jitsu]Brazilian Jiu Jutsu[/url] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krav_Maga]Krav Maga[/url] [i]History[/i]: Huang is of Taiwanese and Japanese decent. His father, who lived, studied and taught Silat and Muay Tai in Taiwan, had relocated to Japan in order to broaden his teaching to the rest of the world. It was in Japan that his father married and gave life to him. Starting at the young and delicate age of three, Huang's father began teaching him what he knew. Even at such a young age, Huang had shown a natural ability to understand his father's art styles. With this in mind, Huang's father began to push him harder in training, with expectations raising as the years progressed. By age 15 he was considered by his father a "decent" fighter but that was putting it mildly. He had one a few first place martial arts trophies through the years but not without a few second and third place here and there. Huang was able to keep up with his father, although Huang's father would hold back a little bit still. He felt that his When he entered into Shinjuku Academy, he had been in conflict multiple times within the initiation week. Huang was not one to hold back when threatened and that was clearly shown in the video recordings that a few students managed to get when he brutally beat down the small group with no mercy. Huang had never actually fought anyone but he enjoyed the rush it brought. The week Huang had entered into the academy is what is known right now as "The bloody week". Huang had challenged as many juniors and seniors as he could to show that he was better then they were. The gossip on the number of fights that Huang caused had become so great that he was selected, by the student government and his sensei at the time, to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, as a freshmen. This alone spread more rumors around the school about his combat prowess but it didn't reach its peak until in the middle of the tournament, Huang had challenged the President for his position, something that had never happened in the school's history. So the freshmen vs. the student government president fight would take place as the last fight. So as the tournament proceeded to its last fight, which all bets were on the president at the time. The president of the student government had been a regional champion and champion of his precinct for some time so it was complete shock that had ran through the school when Huang hand taken him down in the 4th round, using the three to calculate and analyze his opponent before overpowering him within 2 minutes. Many were surprised he managed to make it past the first two rounds but with this Huang had taken the position of president of the student body government. Through the years in the academy until his senior year, he had picked up Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Krav Maga in order to expand his knowledge of the Martial Arts world. In this time as well, he had many try to take him out of the position but all had failed. He kept a tight group of the best in his student governing body. [i]Dreams and Fears:[/i] He looks forward to the day that the schools "plague" is thoroughly snuffed and its reputation remains strong although he feels right now that it has fallen since the new freshmen have entered. He fears that one day, he will be dethroned from his place as president and his crown as the top fighter striped away. [/hider]