Sasha closed her eyes for a moment, as she let out her breath that she was unconsciously holding. The Director was terrifying, even suddenly throwing a knife at a student, despite meaning to miss. Sighing again, she tilted her head as she listened to the announcement for the dorms. From the sounds of it, she was with both a boy and another girl. "I wonder how...delectable of a toy they may be~" Whispering softly to herself, the Russian started walking down towards the First Year hall, just in time to hear a rather loud and energetic voice spelling out her name for others to hear. Literally. However...her name matched one of the people she was suppose to room with. The boy she was talking to seemed to be named Lucy-wait...what? What kind of boy would have that name? Unless....Lucy, was that energetic girl's method of shortening Lucifer, which would mean these two oddities were to be her roommates. Having half a mind to just pivot on her heel and walk away, Sasha squashed the urge to roll her eyes, before walking up to the pair. "I presume you two to be Katie and Lucifer. Or do you prefer Lucy?" Speaking, she lightly made a verbal joke at the boy's predicament, before once again giving a small curtsey. "I'm Alexandra."