[list][list][img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/10d145954db8edd8a185ebd96c559408/tumblr_mpuwezJNpH1rhwq1ko1_500.gif[/img] Uh yeah yo. My name's Erin and I live in the United States. I have some free time on my hands and a lot of my roleplays on other websites have died down, so I kinda wanted to have a roleplay based on the movie [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Children]Wolf Children[/url] → You don't have to have seen the movie to get the plot. It's essentially about a human woman who falls for a werewolf man, in which they eventually get married and have children. Soon after the werewolf father dies and the human woman has to raise the wolf children by herself. Then the children have to struggle with being both a wolf and a human, to which they have to decide which one they want to be. I think it'd make for an awesome roleplay so I'm up for tweaking the plot around a little bit (ex. the father not dying). All I ask is that you are able to write more than two paragraphs per reply and that you have decent grammar. Being able to play all genders and not just the female would be great as well. Also if you are not supportive of LGBT+ rights or cannot play those types of characters then please do not message me. Uh that's it I guess. Thanks dudes 8)[/list][/list]