Well.... At least the academy had been as chaotic as Adam remembered it. Bomb threats, students fighting each other, and yes, even forced dorm assignments. He hadn't bothered to do much, except escape building with said bomb threat. If people wanted to kill each other over petty things fine. But Adam wasn't going to go around killing people unless he had good cause to, after all, that was the whole point of being an assassin. Adam grabbed his suitcase, moving towards the third year dorms. It was strange, but seeing the schools curriculum, he assumed some of what would have been this year's third years "failed". Perhaps there were too many first years as well, and they needed to use all of the empty rooms they could. The third year hallway was empty except for a lone male, who looked like he had recently arrived at the dorms as well. If the male was a second or third year, Adam had never met him before. But his name was most likely Satus Obra, as Mairead Draigen sounded more feminine. [color=82ca9d]"If I had to take a guess, I assume you are Satus Obra? I am Adam Starek. And I really hope you speak English, or I might as well be talking to the wall."[/color] Satus did have an oriental surname, but he couldn't tell specifically what region he came from. Adam just dreaded the thought of having a roommate who didn't know a lick of English. Call him an arrogant American, but Adam wasn't going to learn Korean, Japanese, Chinese, or whatever to just speak with this guy. He'd rather kill Satus, if that was his name, in his sleep. It'd be easier than fucking rosetta stone.