Well, Jun wasted no time in getting friendly with the girl. Mashuka didn't mind though, in fact it seemed to instigate her departure even faster, which was A-Okay with him. Thus far he had no reason whatsoever to trust any of the staff or the psychotic students they charged with performing tasks. Even this girl, despite not being openly hostile, seemed more robotic than human. Was that normal? The director herself had been somewhat stiff on the podium too. Did becoming an assassin just drain a person of their energy? He crossed his fingers that such a fate wouldn't befall him, assuming he survived. When the girl left Mashuka let out a sigh of relief. So it seemed that despite being a first-year, they were going to let him stay in the second-year dorms. Fine with him, he was perfectly fine rooming with the twins. Well, not "twins", but pretty close. Close enough for him to make the joke in his head, dammit. [color=00aeef]"Flatmates then,"[/color] he said, climbing onto the top bunk by the door. [color=00aeef]"Lucky me, bet I'll learn plenty living around upperclassmen."[/color]