The night had not yet ended for the tormented lovers. Jar and Lila had spent the better part of an hour rekindling their relationship in a passionate way, only to quickly found themselves back in the familiar road of distrust and misunderstandings because of a condom. The hesitation before Jareth's reply to her question about if he trusted her or not was clearer than the answer he gave her: he didn't trust her at all. But of course he didn't boldly say so. That was yet another problem in their relationship: Jar was so defensive and used to bottling up all his feelings that he was never fully honest about what he was thinking or feeling, and was bad at expressing himself with words. No matter how hard or what technique Lila used to try to get him to open up, they were mostly unsuccessful. She was conscious of where that came from, but it frustrated her that though she endlessly proved herself to be trustworthy, loyal and head over heels in love for him, Jar never seemed to be certain. Sometimes she thought she would never be enough for him. Instead of giving her a straight answer, he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated groan. [i]“Really, Delilah? Do we have to do this?”[/i] he asked in the tone of voice that always mounted Lila's anger, clearly avoiding her direct question about his trust. "I'm not asking you to do anything except be completely honest for once and admit to my face that you don't trust me," Lila answered angrily, crossing her arms but still atop of Jareth. Her anger and outrage intensified when he moved to get her off himself and covered himself up slightly with the sheets, avoiding any kind of eye contact. In turn, Lila turned her back on him and sat at the edge of the bed before she could physically harm him in any way. Why did their plans to make love to each other and be certain that it would all be alright in this new dawn to their relationship turned so sour? Was it possible that their old habits were already back, and they were unable to change? What this really happening again? Was it impossible for them to ever be happily together? It seemed a happily ever after would never be in their fairy tale after all. "I can't believe this..." Lila muttered, holding her head with both hands and her fingers tangled in her messy brown locks. She looked back at him over her shoulder, starting to shiver with anger. It was a miracle that she hadn't flipped out and started to shout like she would normally do. At least therapy had worked in a way. "You are such a fucking actor, do you know that? All that shit you said in your song and in front of those people, did you really mean any of that at all? Or was it just an act to get chicks to notice you so you'd have a couple of them wrapped up around your finger ready to fuck once you were done with me? "Well, you know what, [i]JarBear[/i]-" she spit his pet name out with such spite that it was impossible to think it had been said with only the happiest feelings before. "Go fuck with someone else's feelings, because I refuse to go down the same road again." Lila got up from the bed, with heavy steps walked over to where the pile of her clothes was lying neatly at the foot of the bed and began to dress herself as quickly as she could with a trembling body that tried to hold back sobs of pain, hurt, anger and many other feelings.