This an interest check for those interested in the Accel world welcome to the accelerated world, or should I call you a burst linker now? Either way welcome, you have now been entered into the servers for brain burst a secret game application in your neural linker device that has the ability to change and reshape your life and the world around you. The way this game is so secret is because this is a fighting game, at least that's what noobs think at first but in reality this so called game is able to making you move faster then a normal human could, it could increase your consciousness with physical burst allowing your body to seem like your moving twice as fast or a brain burst call will allow you to momentarily stop time or another way of putting it is to experience time slower as if you were running on adrenaline. Back to the point at hand though, your now a burst linker you fight to earn points and level up to level 10 to win the game and meet its creator however if your points go down to zero its game over and your brain burst program will be instantly uninstalled and any memories you have associated with the app will be gone as well. So its time to start fighting and earn your spot in the game as a level 10 champion or a zero point looser...