Excited shouts and shrieks signaled that the famed T-Rex was finally approaching. It was good that it came right then, because Sylvia was already walking away from the crowd. She stopped mid-way, getting jostled here and there by mini-demons. Trying not to crash into any of them and apologizing for bumping, Sylvia didn't notice the dinosaur charging towards the 'tree trunk'. Before she could even process anything, the whole tube started to come apart. On instinct, she clutched the camera before losing her balance. One minute, she and the others were in a very safe tube. Now? They were out in the open like sitting ducks. Screams of terror and cries distracted the young brunette. "Oh my fucking god," she muttered, a string of curses escaping her lips as she sat on the ground in shock. She was going to get torn apart into pieces and eaten by a T-Rex. "I am not going to be dino-food," she gasped out. "Knew it - Should have never gone to see some dumb T-Rex attraction and now - Oh my fucking god." Sylvia clumsily got to her feet, pretty much hyperventilating as she stumbled around. However, she felt her jacket getting pulled so she turned around to whack the offending hand before freezing. It was a child, snot and tears running down his face. "I dunno where my mom is!" The kid hiccuped, attaching himself onto Sylvia's leg. "Help me find my mom." And like that, something clicked in her brain. She snapped out of her panic attack, bending down to easily swoop the kid. "Hey, it's okay. We'll find your mom," she softly assured as she assessed the situation. Some people were already running around and there was no T-Rex in sight. She couldn't find her idol so she glanced to her left, catching the sight of the containment door. [i]"We're so getting out of here."[/i] Sylvia began running towards the door, stopping every so often to help people up. "Get up!" She hollered. "Run!" She frantically pointed towards the containment door. As Sylvia hauled a man up to his feet, a sobbing woman ran towards her with her arms outstretched. It was pretty obvious that the woman was the kid's mother. The boy scrambled down from her arms to meet his mother. It really was a touching moment - kind of like in the movies. Except this was no movie. This was happening. This was real. Once the woman was holding her son's hands, Sylvia pushed her towards the general direction of the door. "Go." The woman nodded her thanks and left. There were still a few people on the ground. Most were making there way towards the door. Sylvia didn't know whether or not she should run full-speed towards the door to open it. Biting her lower lip, she made the decision to sling an unconscious teen over her shoulder and drag her to the door. She felt bad - there were several others passed out but she was only one person. And Sylvia wasn't ready to become dino-snack yet. She only hoped that Marks or any other staff members was already at the door, punching in the code.