[color=00aeef][h2]Lance[/h2][/color] As Lucifer continued to talk about how important it was to get the human's trust Lance just got angrier and angrier. He would of thrown his chair at the boy if it weren't for Empusa finally coming out. He calmed down at this point as he found that he could stand Empusa much better than he could stand Lucifer. Lance didn't actually Empusa as a woman, infact he had no idea that Empusa was a even female in gender. However this moment of rest was shorter than he thought as he had no time to answer her questions. "Empusa you really shouldn't let this brat have control all the time." Lance said as he ended up insulting Lucifer. Cerby was growling at Lucifer at this point too as he could sense his masters hatred for this man. After lance finished rubbing his eyes with his hands he sat up straight again. "Anyways, I do think that we need more troops, as much as I hate to admit it, the brat has a point about recruiting better troops from the humans." Lance said though it pained him to admit that Lucifer was right. "However I can't accept to them staying human, they either die and become undead troops, or we change them into something else, so long as we can be sure that they won't betray us. I suggest recruiting through a cult or a religion, either way we need them to join of their own will first, then we can change them, either into werewolves, vampires, ghouls, anything so long as it isn't human." Lance said as he put a hand down to calm Cerby who went back to chewing on his bone happily. Lance only hoped that they would listen to his plan. [color=f7941d][h2]Spoony[/h2][/color] Spoony was about to leave to go and get her metal when she realized that she had completely forgotten, that she didn't have the coin for it, she had been on a bit of spending spree lately as she had bought herself not only a new hammer but also a new forge recently. Spoony decided that it may not be a bad idea to atleast try and enjoy the festivities. After eating one of the sweet rolls Spoony headed off to the dining hall. She had made sure that she was clean and presentable before she headed off towards the dining chambers. She soon entered the room and started to walk around a bit aimlessly. She had seen the princess on her way in but had kept her distance. Spoony did not like the princess as she felt that the girl was too stuck up. Or atleast that was Spoonies impression of the woman. Spoony was certainly the youngest looking girl in the dining hall and it showed as she was also one of the shortest in the dining hall.