Sophia was beginning to have concerns about their choice of location, since so many people here seemed to be [i]far[/i] too violent and altogether belligerent. Everybody seemed so... unrestrained, and to the sheltered harpy it was all rather overwhelming. It didn't help matters that the only person here she could really trust was her fellow Reonite paladin; Marc seemed to be well-intentioned enough... but the fact that he spoke like a chivalric novel was offputting. Of course, she'd also known Tanya for longer. "Ah, the castle is--" the diminutive harpy managed to get out before an ominous and sickening noise interrupted her vain attempt to explain what exactly awaited them in the castle. Were all taverns so violent? She didn't want to be in them again if this was a common occurrence, her wings were fragile... Happily, someone else splinted the injured limb whilst the numb flapped over to take a look at the injury. It simplified the healing process, since she couldn't really align bones manually without considerable pain, but whilst the poultice might be a good anti-inflammatory, it was questionable if it would really help healing speeds. "Could you please try and keep your arm still?" the white-haired harpy mumbled, wings arcing around to surround the injured arm. It was set, and the poultice would avoid a few nasty effects... so it should only be a few minutes to get it healing at a good rate. If the arm-wrestling girl realised she shouldn't move, at least.