Oh, Reon's Peace... this was a ridiculous mess. Tanya could almost feel a headache coming on at how badly things were going. What a mess. She gave Marcus a violet glare for a moment at his comments on how 'marvelous' it all was. "I guess that depends on your definition of 'marvelous'..." she replied with a sigh. The woman was drunk and had a cracked arm? At least the... beastkin? It was a dog-eared girl of some sort who approached and supplied some bandages and poultice, which would ideally allow for Sophia to mend the injury. Tanya knew the harpy nun was not always confident in her abilities but ideally this would allow her to fully heal it and they could soon get on their way. "... In any case, this has gained a lot of attention for all the blithering stupidity on display, so I'll reiterate. The Prison-Castle of the Mad King Haldric. Anyone who wishes to join me in reaching the very bottom may apply, you will get a large cut of the treasures found within. My compatriots and I will claim only a small amount for the Church." She heard someone yell about joining her as well. Looking around for a few moments, Tanya grumbled in irritation at the fact that she could not easily see over most of those around her. "... Hmph. Well, whoever called to me, come closer. When our scholar and healing mage is finished mending the drunken woman's arm, she'll be able to help explain to you what we are doing."