Well, I talked with Acer, and he told me that I can leave the RP as long as I do so kindly and maturely. So, basically, here goes: I'm leaving the RP. Not because things aren't going my way, or people are disagreeing with me, or because my characters aren't getting what they want. Last post I made was done after a private discussion with NarcissisticPotato, where we talked things out. I was also intending to take some advice I got from Chinesedrone, which was about having my characters actually coordinate with the other Reformists and ask for their help in making a plan after [SPOILER] happens. Heck, I even had a plan for my characters, along with any PCs they can persuade, to go underground and become 'Underground Reformists'. Why am I leaving, then? Well, because on another site, a friend of mine put up an RP I promised him a year ago or so that I'd join. So, yeah. I won't pretend that I don't have my issues with The Gifted; I value you all too much to deny that, but, well, let's just say that those issues take a backseat to helping out my chum.