[b][h2][color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color][/h2][/b][color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color] [color=ed1c24]Kasari Liesma[/color] He could all but feel the morale of his two brides falling dangerously below what could be considered healthy. As Torin ate he considered what he might do to mend it, if only slightly, and wondered what this might mean for him on a personal level. The whole point of this trade--as it were--women in exchange for peace, was to prevent a war like this from happening. Well, that and protect Gemminia from other hostile nations. Kasari and Raya's entire purpose for sitting beside him now had just been torn away, there was no reason they should listen to him at all or be complacent--other than perhaps they still wished for a good life. He had intended to give them just that so long as they caused him no trouble, but now… He felt warm all of a sudden, the air to his left seemed to be rising in temperature. It was Kasari. He drew a sharp breath, preparing for an outburst, but instead got an apology. Raya was similarly humble. Good, they valued their lives, miserable as they were at this point. Placing the fork on his mostly-empty plate, Torin wiped his mouth on a cloth napkin and then tossed that on the table too. He stood. [b][color=3a0600]"We're leaving."[/color][/b] [color=fff79a]"Torin! I've hardly eaten."[/color] Tyrai protested, making no move to follow him. Torin hesitated, debating whether or not it was wise to leave her by herself, especially after the incident earlier. Granted it had been partially staged but still, with all the excitement… Finally, he motioned to one of his men, a Drakken who stood well over seven feet tall with an especially cruel look in his eye. [b][color=3a0600]"Stay close to her. If there's trouble you know what to do."[/color][/b] [b][color=000000]"Yes, my lord."[/color][/b] As Torin ushered Kasari and Raya from the banquet hall, the guard took his place at the table beside Tyrai. If his armor hadn't been emblazoned with the Hellsong crest he could have easily passed for a warlord of some status. In addition to his height, he held himself with an air of nobility. His beard was trimmed and long raven hair fell in braids down his back, gold ornaments adorned his horns. He helped himself to the food on the table. Apparently this arrangement wasn't new to Tyrai, and she seemed very familiar with her guardian. Almost too familiar, placing her hand on his cheek and turning his head so that he would look directly at her. [color=fff79a]"Oh Soric, are you stuck babysitting me again?"[/color] she laughed as he plucked her comparatively delicate hand from his face. He offered little more than a grunt in response. [color=fff79a]"Hm, boring as always,"[/color] she said, unfazed as he continued to pile a mountain of food on the plate. Torin Hellsong had chosen a total of twelve personal guards to accompany him to Shadow Worth, and half of these left with him as he took his brides up to the chambers that had been designated for his visit, a servant showed them the way. They were luxurious accommodations; the door from the corridor led into what appeared to be a furnished common space, which then led into a large bedroom and several smaller rooms for servants and guards, etc. All of the Hellsong party's belongings had already been brought up, and the lamps were lit for them, but the fireplace which was meant to warm the space was not, though it was piled with plenty of dry timber. Torin took exactly five steps into the room and stopped just inches from running into a chair. He put out his hands, fingers spread, and stood in silence for half a moment as he felt the air in the room. The impressions he received of each object through the air currents left imprints in his mind's eye, and before a minute had elapsed he knew exactly where everything was. With a wave of his hand the logs in the hearth flared with brilliant light and then settled down to burn steadily, adding what little warmth it could to the drafty room. As the events of the past few hours caught up with him he suddenly felt tired, and leaned on the back of the chair taking a deep breath. [b][color=3a0600]"Please, have a seat,"[/color][/b] he said to the two women, indicating the furniture. For the first time he spoke plainly to them: [b][color=3a0600]"Raya, Kasari. I feel sorry for you. It must have been an uncertain journey for you here, and now you've safely arrived only to discover that your purpose for doing so has been taken away. Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about that, however, if you wish you may write letters to your families and they will be dispatched tomorrow morning. If you can write, that is, otherwise you may dictate whatever it is you wish to be written and it will be. Beyond this I cannot promise anything, not even that you'll receive a reply, and it will be unlikely you will be able to send future correspondence. I will not give you false hope, it is entirely probable that you will never see your families again. But at least you have the chance to say goodbye, and let them know you're safe."[/color][/b] Torin nodded in the direction of his guards and one of them went to the luggage and retrieved pens, ink, wax, and several sheets of crisp white paper. These were placed on a small table near the center of the room. When this was done, Torin himself took a seat and held his hand out palm-up. Without a word he was handed a small package wrapped in oil cloth which when pulled away was shown to be an ornately crafted case. He opened it, and inside lay a long-stemmed ivory pipe carved in the shape of a snarling wolf's head along with a small pouch of tobacco. His fingers deftly pinched the leaves to fill the chamber and when he raised it to his lips to take a long draw embers flared in the bowl. He sighed again, this time with relaxation, and puffed a few more times with less urgency. The air around him filled with surprisingly sweet-smelling smoke that drifted lazily up toward the ceiling. He seemed to have everything he needed at the moment, and so dismissed the guards, now alone with just Raya and Kasari. [b][color=3a0600]"We are also leaving tomorrow. I assume you have no belongings other than those you are wearing? I suppose they'll have to make due. Not to worry, in another day you'll be able to have a hot bath and as many new clothes as you like."[/color][/b] [hider=Summary] -Torin takes Raya and Kasari up to his chambers -Tyrai is still at the banquet, being carefully guarded -Torin gives his brides the chance to write letters to their families -Now he's smoking [/hider]