Tetsunosuke sat on a bench while enjoying the shade a nearby tree provided. He wore charcoal colored slacks, a white polo shirt underneath a black crew neck sweater, and black suede chukka boots. On his right sleeve sat a patch featuring a cartoonish looking tiger wearing MMA gloves and Vale Tudo shorts. Pinned to the patch were two golden bars signifying that he was a senior. While letting out a slight sigh, he pulled the sleeves of his sweater up past his wrists. Today would mark the beginning of his senior year at Shinjuku Academy. The place at which he had honed his abilities for the past three years. Of course, while he had been studying at Shinjuku, he could no longer take the time to compete in martial arts tournaments, which he greatly missed. However, this was inevitably for the best as he wished to focus solely on training and moving up a weight class or two. He would not be able to put his all into gaining muscle and bulking up if he had to worry about cutting for a weight class every other week in the competition circuit. Muscle was not all he was concerned with though. Tetsunosuke had also spent an enormous amount of time improving his already phenomenal skill level in order to ensure taking the world title at some point would not be unheard of. As an announcement blared over the speakers around the school, Tetsu made a face of slight annoyance. [color=1a7b30][b]"Well...I guess it'll be time to head over to the ceremony soon. What a drag...nothing I can do about it, though. Just gotta suck it up and go."[/b][/color] he quietly said to himself while looking up at the tree's branches moving with the slight breeze in the air. With that, Tetsu slowly got up and began to take his time heading over to the auditorium.