[color=fff200]"Oh! Oh! Lucy, have you heard any good rumors or gossip lately!? Or maybe you want to talk about yourself. Or oh, maybe I can talk about myself. Ooooh! OOH!"[/color] Katie eagerly bounced up and down as her brain was being rattled with various ideas for the conversation. There were oodles of things that she could discuss with Lucifer! And Katie was going to have a fun conversation with the lad. [color=fff200]"Or uhm we can like totally talk abo-"[/color] And in the middle of her speech she noticed that another girl had approached and noted their names. And then, she introduced herself as Alexandra and even did a cute little curtsey! The room-mates were all together! Katie spun around on her heels, as her eyes twinkled with delight. [color=fff200]"Eeeeee! Alexis!"[/color] The cheerleader jumped up in the air as she thrust her right hand upwards. As she descended back down she gave a quick clap of her hands, [color=fff200]"Yay! We're all together!"[/color] Truly, it was a good thing. Now she wouldn't have to search with Lucifer for Alexandra! Now the trio could engage in fun and exciting conversations. She knew the both of them would have interesting things to say, and probably had some good pieces of gossip. She know she'd tell her room-mates about the fun gossip she knew, it was her duty to! Katie beamed a grin towards the both of them as a thought dawned in her mind. The cheerleader knew what she had to do right now. [color=fff200][b]"GROUP HUG!"[/b][/color] The cheerleader bubbly broadcasted to her room-mates as she quickly swung her arms around to pull them into a tight hug of friendship.