[@Willow Breeze][@ZB1996] Familiar fantasies interrupted by a somewhat familiar voice, the dark-eyed boy looked up to see a somewhat familiar face. Giving a small smile, he reached for the tablet beside him on the table. [color=662d91]"Of course you may. I do not believe we have started yet, but I think that we are supposed to be learning living skills and such."[/color] Hearing yet another voice nearby, the boy took a moment to consider the question. Was this one that answered "yes" in the affirmative or "no"? He knew it should have been something he understood already, but this kind of a question always confused him. [color=662d91]"It is alright if you sit here,"[/color] he typed out, having finally decided on an answer that seemed to solve the basic underlying idea without too deeply confusing the choice in diction. Honestly, he didn't know how to keep his language straight at times, it seemed. But that was one convenient thing about not speaking; he could take a few more seconds to figure out a proper answer. As long as the person waiting wasn't feeling impatient, anyway...